Keeping it natural at Little Flower Soap Company

Nowadays we want to know what goes into our food and our beauty products. The more natural the ingredients, the better it is. This is why you will love Little Flower Soap Company.
This little gem was created by Holly Rutt. Holly got into bodycare after a college roommate had a family soap recipe that she adored. Unfortunately, when her roommate moved back home, Holly suffered from soap withdrawal. She begged to learn the recipe, so her roommate and her sister agreed to teach Holly the family recipe. Holly also found that she would often stumble across beauty products that were incredible, but when they ran out she couldn’t find them again. This led her to try and re-create them herself by taking lip balm recipes from Pinterest and jamming them full of shea butter, cocoa butter, lanolin, vitamin E, jojoba and more.
Holly’s items are really reasonable in price and she offers some fantastic products. This grapefruit bath salt contains enough for two baths. The fragrant grapefruit oil is so uplifting it’s great to have on your desk to smell throughout the day.
If you love your lip balms you will love these Easter special ones that Holly is currently selling. They come in two flavours: raspberry or almond, and you can pick which labels to put on your lip balms.
If you’re pregnant, Holly has thought of you as well. This baby bump balm is great for applying all over your tummy. Put it on before bed and by morning you will have the softest, non-itchy baby bump around. The balm contains cocoa butter, shea butter, calendula and grapeseed oil to relieve itching and avoid stretch marks.
If you want a gift for someone, this spa gift set is fantastic. It contains one soap of your choice, one lip balm of your choice, one 4oz bath salt in pink grapefruit, one muscle rescue balm tin and one skin rescue balm tin. An absolute bargain at £15.43, considering the number of products you’re getting in one box!
What inspires Holly when she creates her products? “I am inspired by nature in a big way. Lichens, feathers, nautilus shells, flowers, obviously, but specifically trillium, dogwood, ferns, moss, clouds and the like. I think there is some universally beautiful math equation that we can all agree is easy on the eyes and since when can we all agree on anything? I’m inspired by Therese of Lisieux, The Little Flower, and her little way in her autobiography The Story of a Soul.”
Holly is also inspired by her parents: “My mum made sure that my sister and I felt empowered to do and be whatever we wanted, and then backed it up with an unending stream of support in the form of time and talent. Mum works with me one day a week labelling and packing orders for the Little Flower Soap Co. And my dad who is constantly getting out of his chair to do any little task that will make us more comfortable even though he has had double knee replacement surgery! (heroes).”
Holly clearly puts her heart and soul into what she does at Little Flower Soap Co. She creates some fantastic beauty products and you really need to head over to her site to check out her stuff. Be warned though, as you will be tempted to buy many things from her Etsy shop!
Jenny Rodgers
For further information visit here.