Foster the People – Supermodel

After the smash success of the song Pumped Up Kicks and the subsequent Torches album, Foster the People’s second album was always going to have to meet high expectations. Supermodel doesn’t seem to have a song with the potential viral success reminiscent of Pumped Up Kicks, but it’s almost better for that fact – as a listener, you are free to enjoy the album as a whole, not as a support act to the main song.
Foster the People released two singles in anticipation of this album. The third, more recent release Best Friend is a highlight of the whole album, with a catchy repetitive lyric and rhythm. It sits nicely among other grittier, darker songs, and the occasional quieter, more melodic ones such as Fire Escape are a pleasant surprise, acting as a kind of interlude. On tracks such as Pseudologia Fantastica the cheery sound of the music is juxtaposed by dark lyrics – a feature of this album that you will either love or hate – and there is an occasional glimpse of an electronic element that is quite intriguing.
The overall feel of the album is mixed, with the songs varying from upbeat, snappy cheer to deeper, more melancholy tones, and it’s a little unclear as to what the intent for the overreaching tone of the record is. In general, Supermodel is the grown-up, moodier older sibling to Torches, and has some great tracks on it – well worth a listen.
Amy McLelland
Supermodel was released on 14th March 2014. For further information or to order the album visit Foster the People’s website here.
Watch the video for Coming of Age here: