The Sunflower Jam: Celebrating Jon Lord with Deep Purple and Paul Weller at the Royal Albert Hall

“Woe to you oh Earth and Sea, for the Devil sends the beast with wrath”. Maybe this isn’t the best Iron Maiden reference to describe this evening of performance, and it would be most unfair to label Jon Lord as the Devil. Instead he is a saint, who was vicariously part of the holy experience of what was a tribute to his legacy last night, and without doubt one of the best shows in London all year.
The night was in honour of the composer and was featured at the renowned Royal Albert Hall. The audience was a mix of your average classical music fans and heavy metal heads there to see some good old rock ‘n’ roll with a twist of their distant ancestor. Featured as musical guests were Deep Purple, Bruce Dickinson from Iron Maiden, analog moog and synth guru Rick Wakemen, Paul Weller and many others.
The first half of the show was given by Orion Orchestra conducted by Paul Mann, featuring an in-house band performing several of Lord’s compositions. Sadly for you, it is impossible to describe the sheer beauty of them. They were all immaculate beyond comprehension, and their passion resonated through the hall.It seemed as if each piece told a different story, lending them unique imagery, reminiscent of Gustov Holst’s magnus opus: The Planets.
The music itself was a mixture of classical, jazz-fusion, avant-garde, with a little ethnic flavor. The second half saved the fun for last: good old rock ‘n’ roll. It got audience members out of their seats and drop several years to rock out.
Combining all of that with a stellar and beautiful light show, altering and changing colors by the dynamics of the rhythm section, made this performance nothing short of spectacular. Jon Lord is truly missed on earth, but he left us with a gift that will be cherished in the lives of those who idolised and supported him throughout his successful campaign and career.
Joe Hoffman
Photos: Marine Candel
For further information and future events visit The Sunflower Jam’s website here.