Reaching for the Moon

Reaching for the Moon is a visual feast. Nestling its plot in the foothills of Rio, this film is a love affair between the aesthetic and poetic in every facet. Based on the true story of the blossoming romance between Brazilian architect Lota de Macedo Soares (Glória Pires) and American poet Elizabeth Bishop (Miranda Otto), this biographical drama is engaging and beautiful from start to finish.
A melancholic and uninspired Bishop discovers a new country and a new love, looking to rekindle her imagination. As two talented artists come together their passion and creativity vie to be recognised amid infidelity, addiction and co-dependency.
This defies the traditions of Hollywood romance so completely, and instead of romanticising a flawed and ultimately tragic relationship, Reaching for the Moon explores the beauty in that darkness, as well as adoration and desire. It is so refreshing to see that edge so truly juxtaposed with a sheets and cigarettes bohemian romance between two artists. Often the third party of a love triangle is swiftly written out of a script after they have served their purpose within the plot, but here we see a subplot develop – out of focus, but never out of mind.
One for those who love beauty in film, Reaching for the Moon is beautiful in every way possible: from plot to script to scenery. It is no surprise that this film has done well so far, winning several awards and selling out at the Mardi Gras Film Festival, with phenomenal performances from Otto, Pires and Tracy Middendorf. A genuine exploration of love, creativity and addiction that tells the tale of two magnificently accomplished women.
Phoebe Person
Reaching for the Moon is released nationwide on 25th April 2014.
Watch the trailer for Reaching for the Moon here: