Colour your hair with Label M for the festival season

Label M has become renowned for their hair care products through London Fashion Week. Here at The Upcoming, we have been lucky enough to sample some of their luxurious products and they simply are amazing. We particularly love their conditioner, which makes your locks totally luscious after use.
A few months ago, Label M joined the hair colouring world by launching their first colour powder spray. Only available in Powder Pink, the spray became one of Label M’s fastest selling products to date. Their brilliant choice of colour was evident at A/W 2014 catwalk shows back in February, with the likes of Merit Award Winner Xiao Li using it on models to showcase the latest collection.
However, dip dye is certainly not dying down any time soon. With latest celebrities pictured, including Katy Perry with bright green streaks, displaying the fashion world love for an added touch of colour, Label M are now launching three more colours in their collection. Powder Blue, Powder Purple and Powder Red sprays are their choices for S/S 2014, allowing you to co-ordinate this season’s trends to the colour of your hair.
Giving you a stand-out and instant colour, the sprays are easy to use and simple to wash out. This means you can go for all-over colour or just add a touch of spray to your tips for a cool dip-dye effect, which matches your daily outfit. Efi Davies, the head of team from the Xiao Li A/W 2014 show also recommends using dry shampoo on top of the spray to give you a more natural pastel effect.
The best thing about these products is that they are out just in time for the summer; you have no reason to not give hair colouring a try, especially if you are popping to a festival. They are priced at £9.95 and we cannot wait to get our hands on all of them.
Kellie Griffiths
Buy the Label M Powder Sprays from Toni and Guy, Essensuals Salons and other Label M outlets from late April, or buy online here.