Record Store Day 2014 in London with Adam Ant

Now in its 7th year, the annual Record Store Day is a little bit like Christmas for us music lovers and vinyl hoarders. Hundreds of independent record stores up and down the country and worldwide unite in the celebration of music, hosting bands, DJs and distribute the rare 7” and 12” gems to those who have ardently set up camp outside their local record shop in pursuit of their favourite artist’s exclusive releases.
We joined bonkers Londoners in a long and winding queue for Rough Trade East at the ungodly hour of 6am, sporting bloodshot eyes, clutching coffees and brewing over our list of desirables. Many were here just for the one record – be it Bruce Springsteen’s American Beauty, The Pixie’s Indie Cindy or even Skrillex’s Recess on cassette tape. Word around the campfire was that 90% of these folks don’t even own a record player. But to hold, stroke and smell a hard copy holds some sort of appeal to music lovers – the allure and novelty of vinyl and rétro-culture.
Many of the Record Store Day releases hold a visual appeal in terms of artwork – there’s the Paramore Ain’t It Fun single that appears to have been snapped in half (the grooves really run toward the inside), a reissue of the Ghostbusters soundtrack on glow-in-the-dark, ectoplasmic green vinyl, and One Direction’s curious 7-inch picture disk of Midnight Memories (something for everyone, and all).
After rifling through the entire back catalogue of the Rough Trade, we moved on to Berwick Street, Soho to continue on our vinyl pilgrimage and join in with the festivities. Adam Ant put on a performance of mainly cover songs from The Stooges’ No Fun to Johnny Kidd & The Pirates’ Shakin’ All Over, before scarpering away from a flock of middle-aged fangirls waiting off-stage. No Prince Charming, to our dismay.
Record Store Day proved to be an overall success this year for the vinyl veterans of London. And although I wasn’t lucky enough to get my hands on Nirvana’s Pennyroyal Tea 7 inch, I’m sure it will be floating around on eBay soon for at least five times its original price.
Gemma Whitfield
Photos: Gemma Whitfield
For further information about Record Store Day and all future releases visit here.
Watch the short film for Record Store Day here: