DIY fruit facials and body scrubs to feed the skin
We all know that fruit is good for us; tucking into an apple or a handful of grapes is the perfect way to keep hunger pangs at bay, but did you know fruit isn’t just great for eating? Full of vitamins, fruit can also be used for a stay-at-home facial or even a DIY body scrub.
We all need some TLC every now and then. After a hard day at work or a long night of partying, your skin can feel malnourished, tired and weak; sometimes all you need is a little facial to make you feel refreshed and ready to go. If a facial at a spa is a little out of your price range or a chemical facial is a little too much, why not give it a go at home? DIY facials and even make-it-yourself body scrubs are quick, easy and cheap – you probably already have half the products in your kitchen.
Both homemade face masks and body scrubs are simple to make and you can use nearly any fruit you have handy – sometimes even the odd vegetable will work!
If you want a zesty face mask that will help unclog pores, and fade away spots and scars leaving you with soft skin, then pick lemon. Mix two tablespoons of flour with lemon juice and a little egg white and apply to your freshly cleaned face, leave to sink in for 20 minutes then wash off with lukewarm water to reveal a silkier, softer you.
If you suffer from oily or combination skin then bananas are for you. As they lack oil they are able to nourish and soothe without too much moisture. Mash half a ripe banana with two tablespoons of honey and citrus juice and leave to soak for 15 minutes.
As for a full body scrub the most popular around at the moment is the combination of sugar, lemon and oil. You will need 1 ¼ cup of sugar, ½ of oil and three tablespoons of lemon; perfect for the legs you can also use this all over your body for super silky skin. Just rub the concoction all over and use a razor to shave your legs and simply wash off everywhere else. It is recommended that you apply a couple of coats and slap on some lotion afterwards for that extra smooth feel.
Now there is no excuse to not whip out your pins for summer and to not have fresh, glowing skin all year round.
Emily-Rose Vierke