Ekkah at Bleach Pop-up Bar

On a rather dreary London street mid-week, one may be forgiven for believing the best course of action may be to cut your losses, head home and see if Lucy Beal’s murderer is any closer to being revealed. Mellow indie rockers Ekkah offered us an intriguing alternative on a Wednesday evening as they played a fascinatingly creative gig at Bleach.
The fascination surrounding the concert lies in the venue choice and theme of the evening, with the crowd arriving at a packed-out, pint-sized bar serving copious amounts of free cider, an act that helps everyone forget the greyness outside.
The first striking feature as Ekkah take to the stage is their presence as a five-piece, and the subtlety of their sound. The atmosphere is hair-raisingly perfect as the cider has worked its magic and matches the bubbly ambience. The flow of the catchy, elegant electronic music is the most impressive feature as songs like 7am trip along with a subtle swagger, captured from its recorded version. The vocal performances also hold up surprisingly well considering the intimate echoey venue and flourish alongside the polished instrumentals.
The band may not have had enough recognisable hits to escape the underground scene yet but with the current climate of mellow electronic indie constantly flirting with the celebrated mainstream, Ekkah certainly have a hopeful chance of creating a memorable track that would go all the way. Their live show is a quirky and memorable weapon that will stand them in good stead in an age when artists need a bespoke platform to best convey their ability.
Keir Smith