Skin perfecting superfoods
The healthy heroes of perfect skin that don’t cost you a fortune or take an age to apply; superfoods really are as super as their name suggests. Eating or drinking them gives your body and skin the nourishment that they have been lacking.
Here are some of the top superfoods that really do mean you could eat your way to perfecting your complexion – and they’re delicious too!
Blueberries contain one of the highest levels of antioxidants found in fruit which will help to protect your skin from ageing. Their high levels of vitamin C will nourish your skin and keep it healthy. Get your daily blueberry fix by popping a handful into your cereal in the morning.
Romanesco broccoli
This weirdly colourful culinary oddity is a true superfood. Don’t be put off by its strange chameleon-like appearance: the broccoli-cauliflower hybrid is as amazing for your skin and body as it looks. High in carotenoids, it can improve the appearance and tone of the skin as well as being an anti-inflammatory. The delicious nutty flavour of Romanesco broccoli means that it can be used in many dishes. Why not give it a go?
Sweet potatoes
These tasty little bits of deliciousness actually pack a lot of health benefits and can work towards giving your skin the perk that it needs. Sweet potatoes are much healthier than their white counterparts and are bursting with vitamin C, which is used by your skin to smooth out imperfections by helping in the production of collagen, which is the protein that gives your skin firmness and strength. So if your skin is looking a little bit dull, try swapping regular spuds for sweet potatoes.
Green tea
Rich in a type of bioflavonoid called polyphenols, containing antioxidant, anticancer, antibacterial and antiviral qualities, green tea is a wondrous thing. Drinking 2-6 cups a day can change your skin and help towards weight loss too. Green tea is also proven to cut down your chances of skin cancer and reverse the effects of sun damage.
Leafy greens
Dark green leafy vegetables, such as spinach, are rammed full of nutrients and antioxidants. As you age, skin becomes thinner and drier and loses some of its elasticity, resulting in lines and wrinkles. Dark green veg contains lutein, which in a recent study was found to keep not just your eyes healthy, but also help protect your skin from sun damage, as well as hydrate it. A must-have!
Why not give superfoods a go? The health benefits are truly worth it and your skin will be glowing, too!
Rebecca Saunders