The Motherf**ker with the Hat at the Lytellton

With six Tony Award nominations and a successful Broadway run under its belt, Stephen Adly Guirgis’ The Motherf**ker With the Hat is nothing to be sniffed at. Last night it had its UK premiere at the Lyttelton theatre and it turned out to be every bit as hilarious and profane as was promised.
Telling a tale of romance and addiction in the darker corners of New York City, the play centres on the recently paroled Jackie (Ricardo Chavira) who, just when he seems to be turning his life around, discovers the motherf**king hat in the apartment he shares with girlfriend Veronica (Flor De Liz Perez). Naturally, this throws a wrench in things and Jackie goes a little off the rails. With the help of his AA sponsor/best friend Ralph (Alec Newman) and his odd cousin Julio, things start to unravel.
The play is hilarious. The dialogue is fast-paced, cutting and littered with witticism and dark humour. The humour might seem crass to some and a few exchanges feel a little too long and tend to be reiterations of a single point, but by and large the script is excellent. The plot is absorbing and strangely touching, and thanks to excellent performances you’ll be easily drawn in to Jackie’s world. What sets this play above the rest is the way it’s able to deal with heavy themes sensitively, even in the midst of hilarity. Unfortunately, show-stealer Yul Vazquez (part of the original Broadway run) playing cousin Julio had far less stage time than he deserved. Though it can be said that with an expanded role the character may have worn a bit thin.
The set is gorgeous, made up of three revolving rooms that are moved centre stage as needed, each wonderfully detailed and unique. The hanging fire escapes are nice touch, adding to the atmosphere of New York apartment life. The transitions, accompanied by raucous music are smooth and well thought out.
The Motherf**ker with the Hat might not be the most upbeat of plays but it is a masterful production, unfolding slowly and poetically while keeping up with the fast-paced spirit of New York City. This, along with the cast’s perfect delivery and chemistry, make it a must-see play this summer, provided you can stomach all the swearing.
Natasha Furlong
Photos: Mark Douet
The Motherf**ker with the Hat is on at the Lyttelton Theatre until 20th August 2015, for further information or to book visit here.