Fruits and vegetables for great hair and skin

If there is one thing we can all agree on it is that the best beauty tricks always involve eating, after all you are what you eat. Eating properly isn’t just good for maintaining a healthy weight, it can help you if you want to firm up your skin or make your hair sine. If you know what to eat there is no need to lather on the creams, so we’ve gathered the best foods to eat to make your hair and skin look its best.
For good skin
High amounts of vitamin C in apples will keep your skin firm as it helps your body produce collagen. This protein is abundant in our skin and keeping up high levels of it can prevent premature skin ageing by protecting the skin from free-radicals. So there really is some truth to an apple a day.
Want a tan without the sun? Stock up on carrots, which are high in beta carotene. The body works beta carotene into vitamin A. Vitamin A is not only good for your eyes, it is used in many skincare creams as it has numeral health benefits. It relieves acne and works miracles against wrinkles. Unfortunately, the vitamin A used in creams, Retin-A, can irritate the skin. So perhaps you are better off just enjoying your vitamin A in delicious carrot juice.
For good hair
Raspberries, strawberries, boysenberries, any kind of berry that you fancy. All are packed with vitamin C and vitamin B. Vitamin B deficiency can cause hair loss so make sure you get your daily fix. Eating enough of the stuff, in fact, can increase hair growth, slow the greying process, and make your hair look full and shiny.
Leafy greens
Dark leafy greens are great for hair growth as they are rich in nutrients. Regular intakes of leafy greens such as lettuce, broccoli, and spinach, will not only promote hair growth it will also strengthen your roots. These greens also contain a high percentage of water which keeps your hair hydrated and keeps it from looking dry.
Sally Wijers