Minimalism mayhem: creating a capsule wardrobe

For some fashionistas it is still the ultimate nightmare: a near empty wardrobe. But minimalism is on the rise. Empty rooms, bare walls, and clear coffee tables get thousands of likes on Instagram and Tumblr and tidying gurus such as Marie Kondo are being hailed as heroes.
Capsule wardrobes containing only 33 pieces are bringing minimalism to your lifestyle, making walk in closets like Carrie Bradshaw’s a thing of the past. What are the benefits of creating space in your closet and how do you join the movement?
The benefits
So why would you trade in your shoe collection, your countless jackets, and cute dresses? You’ve worked hard creating your own personal style and, really, couldn’t your wardrobe actually use some new pieces to get you ready for autumn? What is turning shopaholics into minimalists? Followers of the Project 333 Facebook page say they feel better wearing their minimal wardrobes and that they enjoy the creative challenge of creating new outfits with fewer pieces. Coco, from Light by Coco says “it’s awesome to see how limiting your options makes life so much more stress-free”.
Joshua Becker, author of Simplify, said it’s refreshing “to look inside a closet and see only clothes that you love.” He points out that it makes dressing and doing laundry easier. For fashion fanatics the most tempting aspect of a capsule wardrobe is probably that you get to change up your wardrobe every three months with new pieces ensuring you’re fashionable year round!
The rules
Joining Project 333 might seem daunting and living with only 33 items impossible but there is a vast community to guide you and support you. But first, let’s look at the basics. You are going to create a wardrobe existing of 33 pieces, including clothes, accessories, shoes, and jewellery. To start you will have to clean out your wardrobe – speaking of daunting – and you’ll have to be rigorous.
Divide your clothes in piles: clothes you love, clothes you can donate (anything that doesn’t fit or you don’t wear), and clothes to trash. Now you can start creating your capsule wardrobe for this season. Pick your 33 items and box up the rest, you will come back to these in three months and go through the whole process again. If you need inspiration on creating your wardrobe check out Pinterest or hashtag #Project333 on Instagram.
Sally Wijers
For further information visit here.