Anne Edmonds – You Know What I’m Like at Soho Theatre

One of Australia’s greatest comic exports has arrived at Soho Theatre for a fortnight of stand-up shows. Set in the intimate upstairs room of the famous venue, Anne Edmonds dishes out an hour of laughs with her show You Know What I’m Like.
Edmonds may be a new name to the people of Britain, but she is a firm favourite in her home country where after her 2015 tour, she was given the coveted Piece of Wood Award.
She appears at first a little shy and perhaps apprehensive at the reception her jokes will receive from the dry-humoured UK crowd, but they fall in love with her charm and immediately connect with her sense of humour.
Her comedy centres around two themes: Australia and what’s going on beneath the surface. Her caricatures of the Australian locals are hilariously cutting and offer a true look at those supposedly sunny citizens. There is also a dark undertone that runs through the show as it takes an honest look at the lengths people will go to in order to paint a veil over their deeper emotions to appear sane.
The success of Edmonds’ show lies in the sincerity of her dialogue. She opens up unreservedly about her own struggles with pain and loneliness, disarming the audience and allowing them to warm to her.
What is truly impressive is her ability to destroy every cliché and negative comment about female comedy. She is funny not because of her gender but simply because she has a rare talent of making people really laugh.
Edmonds also delights her audience with her skilful banjo playing and her dark but funny songs which she shares as the show comes to an end. She is a comedian who is gathering momentum in Britain and she has her dark wit and sincere approach to thank for it.
Ashley Manning
Anne Edmonds: You Know What I’m Like is on at Soho Theatre from 4th January 2016 until 16th January 2016, for further information or to book visit here