Jeepers Creepers at Leicester Square Theatre

A bed, home to unrequited ambitions and mismatched fate, is the inviting setting for Jeepers Creepers at the Lounge at Leicester Square theatre. Directed by Monty Python’s Terry Jones, the three-act production explores the life of Young Frankenstein comedian Marty Feldman and his struggles of fame, fortune and fidelity.
Expressed from the viewpoint of Feldman (played by David Boyle), the play details the life of a quarrelling couple that seem to be torn by conflicting interests but are connected by genuine love for one another. While Marty can’t let go of the good memories his career has provided for them in the past, his wife Lauretta (played by the amazing Rebecca Vaughan) is determined for him to grab every opportunity going. Stifled by his own ego, the narrative focuses on Marty’s inability to leave the past behind.
David Boyle’s performance as the lively protagonist is charismatic, and his ability to layer emotions with short humour is naturally delivered. Rebecca Vaughan gives a faultless performance as the ambitious Lauretta and ably communicates the exhausting struggle of being a comedian’s wife. Writer Robert Ross’s use of classic comedy is well received, especially at times when Lauretta is consistently dampening Marty’s free spirit.
While the mood is mainly jovial, the rare pauses in conservation reveal the characters’ innermost vulnerability. Each has very different desires in life, with Lauretta yearning to upgrade their high-life in LA while Marty’s heart belongs back in England. Though the limited room space at the Lounge lends a sense of intimacy, it also gives a linear view of the actors, often only giving a restrictive angle of the performance. However, the dramatically charged emotions are just as powerful heard as they are seen.
At times, the nostalgia is celebrated excessively, with some references proving unfamiliar, but the dynamic dialogue between Boyle and Vaughn provides light relief. Highly entertaining, Jeepers Creepers is a comedic tale that illustrates the perils of fame truthfully.
Vineeta Sathiamoorthy
Jeepers Creepers is on at The Lounge at Leicester Square Theatre from 18th January until 20th February 2016, for further information or to book visit here.