HELTER spring/summer 2017 collection presentation for LFW
Helter – a new brand on the fashion scene, and one that is coming straight in to offer a see now, buy now collection. The brand then plans to build on this idea by releasing a new range every few months, rather than just twice a year.
Helter’s aesthetic is one of sleek, functional minimalism. Their pieces are contemporary and wearable; sharply tailored, but finished with cut-out panels at the cuffs or shoulders for a sensual twist. The sea supplied the inspiration for this latest collection, as Jeraldine Ng and Willis Tan – the designers behind the brand – looked to marine wildlife, such as stingrays and sharks. The designers infused their designs with their own reimagined versions of parts of these creatures’ anatomies; including the gills of a fish, which appeared as sharp slits in the elegantly simple silhouettes and clean lines.
Such slits allowed for a rippling interplay between fabric and flesh, light and dark, something that was reflected further in the high-contrast monochrome palette. Indeed, this relationship between black and white was echoed once again by the set, a dark space penetrated by slivers of light to mimic sunrays slanting through the sea.
A covetable set of clothes that would look well in the capsule wardrobe of any true minimalist. All that remains to be seen is; where will Helter take us next time?
Grace Cain
Photos: Melissa Williams
For further information about Helter visit here.