How to create the perfect winter beauty and skincare routine

Imagine walking through a snowstorm wearing flip flops and your favourite summer dress. It‘d be bizarre, right?
It’s basic common sense to adapt your wardrobe accordingly for the season, and yet most of us forget to change up our beauty routine at the same time, despite the fact that the winds and rains which dictate winter attire can also drastically impact our skin.
It isn’t a ploy from the beauty industry to sell more products: as the temperature drops we’re far more likely to suffer from dry, irritated skin. On top of that, you’ll probably need to alter your makeup palette to suit the darker colours of your winter wardrobe.
But if the huge array of options leaves you frozen in the beauty aisle of your local pharmacy, utterly baffled and unable to make a decision, then finding the right solutions to transform your routine is easier said than done.
With this in mind, we’ve highlighted a few key steps and winter favourites to keep you looking refreshed and healthy, whatever mother nature throws at you over the coming months.
Change your lipstick colour
Since the average contents of a woman’s makeup bag add up to the grand total of £172 – enough to warrant its own insurance policy, in our eyes – it would be far too expensive to replace every cosmetic product in winter.
Instead, simply altering your lipstick colour will make a world of difference to your beauty look. Swap pinks and corals for an on-trend plum – it’s the perfect shade to see you through the festive party season, and it suits the tonal style of winter fashion.
Find a new perfume
Similarly, the bright citrus and floral scents which have seen you through the summer months won’t work so well during the darker nights. Compliment the new season by finding a sultry, sophisticated alternative.
Take advantage of the current perfume offers as shops transition into autumn fashion, and you could discover your new signature scent for a bargain price. One of our favourites for this time of year is Calvin Klein Euphoria, an elegant but wearable fragrance.
Revolutionise your skincare routine
The biting winds outside combined with the harsh heating indoors wreaks havoc on skin, making moisturiser your best friend during winter months. Avoid hot showers, which can dry you out even more, and remember to moisturise after cleansing.
Look out for products containing nourishing oils like almond, or calming extracts of aloe vera, to keep your skin subtle and radiant.
Do you have any top skincare survival tips for making it through winter weather nightmares? Or have you already found the perfect Christmas party lipstick? Leave a comment below to let us know.
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