Possibilities at Theatre N16

Possibilities is a new play written by Jamal Chong, examining the relationship between a man and a woman as it spans decades and alternate courses. The audience gets glimpses of this partnership through a series of snapshot moments, stitched together to create an enjoyable and emotional production.
Starring Jamal Chong and Kate Gwynn, the scenes are played out on an almost empty stage, so the differentiation between stories and time frames relies heavily on the performances.
The show opens with a loud and intense argument between the two characters, which almost turns into a physical fight before the first, rapid scene change of the play transports theatregoers to a supermarket, where the pair have an awkward encounter as ex-partners.
At this point, the audience could believe they have simply gone forward in time; that the couple has broken up and bumped into each other in the future. But with each new snippet of action, it becomes clearer that the characters are appearing in alternate realities: as bored married partners, teenage friends, a couple unable to conceive, two people having an affair, and, at one point, even as song-writing partners.
The two actors portray varying dynamics well, switching chemistry with ease to believably depict mates, enemies and lovers throughout the duration of the play. The best moments are the awkwardly affectionate ones, where they perfectly capture the everyday encounters between friends and couples that make up a relationship.
With very little in the way of scenery or costume changes, it can be a little hard to follow at first as the characters skip through from one scenario to another, but ultimately the performances prove engaging and believable enough to overcome the drama’s slightly whirlwind nature.
Possibilities is short and sweet; at just under an hour in length it manages to pack a lot of emotion into what is really quite a short story. The sound design and strong cast help the audience navigate various snapshots of life that will resound with many.
Joanna Blyth
Possibilities is on from 16th until 26th October 2016, for further information or to book visit here.