Décor designs ruling spring 2017

The last few years have seen trends in interior décor changing fairly slowly, with some styles lasting for a long time and few elements really distinguishing each season. 2017 brings something very different. Now is the time for a major revamp. You don’t need to spend a fortune to do it – paint, wallpaper and accessories, such as rugs and cushions, are easy to change. Many of the new items coming in are beautiful, however, and look set to have staying power of their own.
Jewel colours
After the greys and neutrals of the past few years, we’re entering a bright new era in which vivid jewel colours are starting to appear everywhere. You’ll find them particularly striking in glass, plastics and ceramics, so purchasing just a few small items can bring a fierce burst of colour into your room. If there’s one shade that stands to the fore, it’s cobalt blue, replacing the navy that dominated last season with something far more charismatic. You’ll find that gold is out this year (even if White House decorators disagree), but little splashes of it alongside this blue are still on trend and really bring it to life.
Playing with patterns
Patterns are going through a big shift this season. Classic stripes and checks will always have their place but they’re starting to look old fashioned, and chevron patterns are completely out. Instead, look out for Art Deco-inspired geometric patterns and 80s style abstracts that make bold use of squares, rectangles and triangles. Placing different patterns next to each other is a great way to make a statement but it’s hard to pull off, so approach it with caution. You’ll find that some wall prints and printed fabrics have done the hard work for you here.
Go wild
There’s another big trend in printed and painted materials this year, and that’s African wildlife. Gorillas, elephants, giraffes and lions stalk across walls and bedspreads, and bold leaf prints brighten up previously demure rooms. You’ll also find these themes showing up in ornaments and as motifs on carved pieces of furniture. One great way to enhance them is to introduce some suitably dramatic potted plants to your home. Never mind the begonias – bring on the yuccas and palms.
Slim down
This is something many people set out to do at the start of every season, but when it comes to your home, it’s a lot easier to do. This season, it’s time to get rid of bulky canopies, throws and curtains, and slim your décor down. Unadorned windows are also out (and impractical for a lot of homes) but Roman blinds or a slim set of plantation window shutters are a great solution, with lots of colour choices to suit the overall look of a room. Beds that have had their draperies removed, meanwhile, can be smartened up with padded headboards, which have the added benefit of being very comfortable when you want to sit up and read.
Sensual textures
Although trims and frills are out this season, that doesn’t mean that you can’t indulge. 2017’s soft furnishings are all about texture. Think velvet, chenille and soft wool – textures that absorb the light and make those jewel colours look even richer, while feeling wonderful against your skin. Goatskin, stripped down and dyed, is making an appearance in the luxury market. If you really want to stand out, you can try reindeer skin, which is amazingly soft and supple, and in rug form, a great insulator for draughty floors.
Metal and stone
Are you choosing flooring or work surfaces for your bathroom or kitchen? Just as white is out as a paint colour for walls, white marble is out for finishing these rooms, and you can say goodbye to tiled worktops and bathroom surfaces. Terracotta is great for floors but too absorbent for other uses, so consider coloured marble or granite for the luxury look. If you’ve recently refitted everything in copper, you’ll be sorry to hear that that’s out now, having always looked a bit overwhelming – instead, this year is likely to be dominated by mixed metals creating subtle tone effects, such as brass and steel, placed side by side. Meanwhile, a new form of black stainless steel is making an impression in the world of appliances.
With all these exciting new trends to explore, this spring is going to be a busy time for redecoration. One thing is for sure: when you’re done, your home will look a lot more vibrant, warm and welcoming. It’s time to say goodbye to a world of drab colours and welcome in a brilliant future.
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