Yoga poses for a good night’s sleep

Struggling with a sleep is a common occurrence for many, and can affect your day-to-day life significantly. From nightmares to sleep paralysis, millions of people around the UK struggle with sleep in one way or another. However, many argue that a great way to prepare the brain for the land of nod is by doing some simple yoga exercises. Not only does it relax your body, but it also relaxes the brain as it prepares to begin its REM cycle. So here are five quick and easy yoga exercises to do for all beginners and yoga masters out there.
Child’s pose
This is one of the more traditional yoga poses. All you’ll need to do is crouch on the floor and spread your arms out in front of you. With your hands together and head down, take deep breaths and imagine a happy place.
Legs up the wall pose
As you can imagine this pose is just as it sounds: lie on your back and aim to get yourself as close to the wall as possible, with your legs pointing straight up. This move helps calm the mind and stretches your body out before you hit the hay.
Reclining spinal twist
For this move, you’ll need to lie on your back, raise one of your legs into a tabletop position and bend it across the opposite side of your body. This move was in the WII Fit, so some of you may remember this from 2008.
Wide angled seated forward bend
This is pose is great because it stretches the majority of your body, including abs and legs. You’ll need to sit down, spread your legs wide and out to the side, and try to lean and flatten your body down to the floor. This stretch can be quite advanced, so if you’re a beginner you may not be able to get completely flat on the floor. Everyone will have their own pace and limits, so just do what is comfortable, and try to enjoy the stretch.
Corpse pose
We often get into bed and look at our phones or laptops, expecting to fall asleep instantaneously, but realistically that isn’t going to happen. The body needs time to relax and enter a state of Zen, which this last move will help with.
Remember, do these poses at your own pace, and only do what is comfortable. You’ll be nodding off in no time.
Ella Jackson