How to take care of a human hair wig like a pro

Gone are the days when wigs looked so plastic and fake that you could literally tell when someone was wearing one. Today, advancements in the beauty industry have paved the way for human hair to be turned into wigs.
Human hair wigs are made to last for one year or more, but you have to take good care of them if you want to use them for such a long time! The longevity of any wig is highly dependent on the care routine you use. It’s also dependent on the equipment you use on it, and even on the products you put on it. Generally, the rule of thumb to follow is to treat your human hair wigs as you would your ordinary hair. Put in the same amount of effort to keep your hair alive.
Let’s take a look at some important things every human hair wig owner should put into practice!
1. Get a high-quality shampoo and conditioner
While you can use regular shampoo and conditioner on your human hair wig, you should invest in human hair wig-specific products for the best results. It’s also best to go for good quality, mild shampoo.
In particular, make sure you choose a great conditioner. Human hair wigs need to be highly conditioner because there are no natural oils from your head treating them in the way that happens with biological hair. Never forget to condition.
Unlike real hair, however, you don’t need to wash your human hair wig every day. This would also be dependent on how you use the wig – for example, whether or not you apply products on it daily.
2. Wash new wigs before wearing them
All human hair wigs have been highly processed to make them safe for wearing and styling, which could mean that some residual chemicals remain. Wash the wig before wearing it. Going through this step will also free your wig from any smell that it might have picked up throughout the manufacturing process. In doing so, when you wear your wig, you don’t risk smelling like you’ve come straight out of the manufacturing plant.
3. Only use ceramic plated heat tools
If you want to straighten or curl your wig, stick to ceramic plated tools. Don’t try any chemical processes like perming or relaxing unless your wig manufacturer specifically says this is OK. Most human hair wigs have been heavily processed to get the right texture, and using a chemical treatment on them can ruin that texture.
To avoid having to straighten or flatten your wig every so often, it’s best that you go through the right density selection before you buy one. Density pertains to how thick or thin you want your wig to be. That way, you end up pleased with how full your hair looks when you’ve got your wig on.
4. Wash wigs often
It’s usually recommended that you wash your wig every eight to 14 days, as needed. You can also use a dry shampoo by spraying the interior of the wig cap between washings. Don’t spray it on the outside of the hair.
5. Shampoo wigs properly
Do not wash them in the shower with high-pressure water. A wig should be washed in still water.
Fill a basin with cold water and add a small amount of shampoo to the water to disperse. Submerge wig; swirl and let it soak. Rinse by draining, refilling, and swirling around it again. Repeat the rinse again to ensure all shampoo is gone.
6. Condition wig carefully
After shampooing, apply wig-safe conditioner directly to hair, avoiding the roots as much as possible. Let it condition for at least two minutes; you can leave it overnight. Then, rinse twice in a basin of cool, clean water.
Bonus tip: Follow any included instructions
When you buy a wig, you are buying a product that has a specific use. Wig brands like Raquel Welch Wigs and Amore Wigs will give you instructions on how you should care for your human hair wig, and if you have any questions, you can always email or call them to find out how to handle your wig’s care.
Follow the tips enumerated above but don’t forget to read through the care instructions included on your wig’s package. Remember that no two human hair wigs are exactly alike. Different brands also have different care requirements. Above all, read through these first so that you can avoid damaging your wig.
Final Word
Wigs are meant to enhance your beauty and your overall facial features. Apart from wearing a wig with confidence, you’re also supposed to take very good care of it so it lasts. More importantly, since you’re using a human hair wig, you’ll also want it to look as natural as possible. Even the most beautiful human hair wigs can look cheap and ugly when they’re not well taken care of. The tips enumerated above can help you in the upkeep and maintenance of your hair wig. That way, it’ll be able to do its part in making you look your best all the time.
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