Tips for the ultimate staycation

There is nothing quite like jetsetting across the globe, exploring new cities or strolling along sandy beaches. Unfortunately travel requires one little thing, or actually a lot of one little thing: money. If your funds don’t permit a trip abroad why not enjoy a little staycation? With our tips you’ll be feeling the holiday vibes in no time!
Be a tourist in your own city
You have no idea what you might be missing on your daily commute. Have you ever given a dsecond thought to the statues in the city centre, or truly appreciated the local architecture? Take a walking tour of your own city and discover what might be hiding in plain sight.
Have a proper lie in
Face it, going on holiday means dealing with some serious FOMO. You have come all this way so you are not going to miss out on any of the sights. The beauty of a staycation is freedom from that pressure. So there is no reason not to have the longest lie in humanly possible. Pro-tip: stay in bed even longer and have breakfast in bed. Now that’s good quality R&R.
Turn of any and all work notifications
Home is where the Wi-Fi connects automatically. You’re not in a hotel so you don’t have to suffer extortionate Wi-Fi rates and might be tempted to stay connected during your time off. But you’re not going to enjoy your staycation if work is constantly on the periphery. Turn off your notifications for the time being and imagine yourself hundreds of miles away.
Go on shopping spree
OK, so maybe souvenir shopping is a little pointless but a staycation is a perfect time for some serious retail therapy. Head into town on an early Tuesday morning and enjoy all the neatly folded and stacked T-shirts. Have you ever been to a Primark before 11? Now that’s a sight worthy for your scrapbook. Added bonus: no need to worry whether your purchases will fit in your suitcase.
Have a movie marathon
Rain can ruin a holiday abroad, but when you are in the comfort of your own home it can actually add to the atmosphere of laid back relaxation. Draw the curtains, slip into some clean pyjamas and watch your favourite films for the billionth time.
Make yourself a Pinterest worthy breakfast
One of the things you might feel like you’re missing out on is a glorious breakfast buffet. But even though you’re not staying in a suite in Paris you can still enjoy a continental breakfast. Lay out your table and stock it with all the essentials of a hotel breakfast: croissants, pain au chocolat, orange juice, teas and coffees, some cheeses and eggs – everything is fair game for your luxury brekky.
Turn your home into a cocktail bar
Instead of your usual squash or diet Coke treat yourself to a more exciting drink. Mix up a Mojito sharing pitcher, or just sip on it yourself all throughout the day – you are on holiday after all.
Treat yourself to a spa day in your own bathroom
Still not feeling relaxed? How about turning your bathroom into a bonafide spa resort. Light some ocean breeze scented candles, pick up one of your favourite bath bombs, find the fluffiest towel you can find and dream yourself away.
Sally Wijers