Seven ways to stay motivated in winter

The days are shorter and there is a serious lack of sunshine time. You leave and come home in the dark and being deprived of your duvet doesn’t bare thinking about. Don’t settle for the winter blues just yet though; here are seven great ways to make sure you stay happy and motivated during these colder months!
Make lists
When you’re feeling sluggish it’s hard to stay on top of all you have to do. But why wait until the New Year to get super organised? Making lists of the tasks you need to complete will ease you through seemingly shorter days and you can even use it as an excuse to buy some super cute stationery.
If you don’t feel like braving the cold for your morning run we don’t blame you! Instead try shorter bursts of exercise such as HIIT workouts at home instead. You can still burn those calories – minus the wind and rain!
Get up earlier
Earlier?! Yes, it sounds crazy. The alarm goes off and it still feels like the middle of the night, but jumping in to a nice warm shower just that bit earlier will not only start your morning right. You’ll also make the most of the day light hours before the early sunset.
Enjoy the outside world
It’s easy planning outside activities during the summer but winter is just as if not more beautiful. Enjoy the crisp winter air by taking yourself on a walk or a light jog to really appreciate this stunning season.
Relax and reward yourself
Take a bath, paint your nails, maybe even treat yourself to an early Christmas present. With all of these cold dark mornings a little treat is just what you need to keep your spirits high.
Make plans
With winter, comes Christmas, and with Christmas comes markets! Give yourself something to look forward to and see what wintery events are happening near you. Wrap up, meet a friend and enjoy the festivities.
With the lack of day light your body produces more of the hormone melatonin which makes you sleepier but don’t be fooled! We need the same amount of sleep in winter as in summer. Aim for around eight hours a night and keep a consistent bed time.
Sophie Cook