LOL – locked out loud: How Twitter copes when #lockedout of the house

Most people will experience the sheer panic of being locked out of their homes at some point. It can bring about waves of anxiety, matched only by the waves of bitter cold that the approaching winter brings.
“Getting locked out is all too easy; it’s the getting back in that’s more difficult” many guides say on what to do if you’re locked out. From resisting the urge to break into your own home to specifying a reliable keyholder to keep one of your extra keys, they recommend a sensible approach to the situation and to do your best to avoid it in the future.
Sadly, many people who get locked out are neither prone to sensible thinking or being well-prepared. Instead, they simply take to social media to share their experiences. We’ve rounded up some of the funniest and best responses.
You’re never ready to face being accidentally locked out:
One way to discover your house key doesn’t turn the front door deadbolt is to get locked out with your 2 yr old daughter inside.
— Jess Mazaheri (@JessMazaheri) October 28, 2017
Locked myself out of my house/Jeep when I was leaving to go get spare keys made so I wouldn’t lock myself out.. The irony
— Katrina Covert (@katrina_marie6) November 7, 2017
I accidentally locked myself out of the house with my dogs in my pajamas while the contractor is replacing my windows.
— Mary Scheirer (@Scharizzle) November 7, 2017
While it’s generally advised against, some people try and break into their own homes:
Locked my house key in my work locker and now I’m locked out and snapped my debit card in half, could this day get any worse
— Amelia (@ameliajm_) November 8, 2017
Got locked out of my house today and my husband was out of town. Daughter saved the day (and scared me to death)!
— Blackbird Singing (@AMPedPubs) October 28, 2017
Tbh one time I had to go home early from work bc migraine. Busting for a wee, realised I’d locked myself out. Had to climb thru the cat’s door. Tried to put on a Eucy Bear & got shocked. Power to the house went out.
— sarah (@sarah_rita__) November 8, 2017
It’s usually best to know the right person to call:
Just called the cops cause I’m locked out of my house and he said he couldn’t help me
— peyton walker (@peytonbrookew) October 28, 2017
For some, being locked out comes at the worst possible times:
locked out of my house so I’m sitting in the back and trick or treat nerds keep knocking at my door. Fuck u I can’t even get in my house
— Autozone Jones (@robbywgucci) November 1, 2017
my bf locked me out of the house cuz he was mad so naturally i was banging on the door and someone called the police on us 🙂
— (@lilsunsets) October 28, 2017
Today started off as a normal day until I locked myself out of the house I am house/pet sitting at
— OG Mack (@yumitskenzie) November 7, 2017
When your locked out of the house and it’s cold af.
I’m also starving.
— Olivia Michala (@OliviaMichala) November 6, 2017
Ultimately, you should try and find the silver lining to being locked out:
Locked out of my house for 30 min lol looks like I’m sleepin in my car
— Dee (@dfdx_) November 7, 2017
If I had a dollar for every time I got locked out of my house, I could pay for rent.
— Devon Kundinger (@DevonKundinger) November 7, 2017