All I See Is You

All I See Is You kicks off in the middle of a marriage between Gina (Blake Lively) and James (Jason Clarke). Gina lost her sight in a car accident when she was much younger and many flashes of that event – and how it has shaped her life since then – are repeatedly displayed. In this sense, we get a lot of beautiful light sequences that often feel like abstract paintings in motion, something to praise from a cinematography point of view – and something one might not expect to find in this film, which surprisingly reaches the edges of experimentation.
The point of conflict arrives when Gina is informed that her sight can be recovered (at least in one eye), meaning that she will be able to see again – fully and permanently – if the treatment works. This event will revolutionise her perception of things; consequently, her relationships not only with her husband but also with herself are inevitably affected.
Marc Forster has brought us incredible and unique features in the past such as Stranger than Fiction or Finding Neverland, both very consistent and solid films. However, his latest work seems to lose its way beyond the first act. This problem exposes itself through tone, pace and plot, creating a picture that is a bit confusing at times, and unfortunately not explored to its full potential. We go from a drama/romance to a thriller in a matter of 20 minutes, only to conclude with an underwhelming and unsatisfying ending.
Although this might seem like a big issue, All I See Is You is still enjoyable, especially to the fans of slow-burn movies and southern Spanish scenery. This is, in part, due to Lively and Clarke’s efforts to make their characters work by infusing them with some life and depth. Also, Marc Streitenfeld improves the experience with his riveting score: a composition that really matches the artsy cinematography and tonal changes throughout the film.
Maria Barrios
All I See Is You is released on digital platforms on 26th February 2018.
Watch the trailer for All I See is You here: