Mirrors at Leicester Square Theatre

The intimate space of Leicester Square Theatre hosts Mirrors, a one-woman play written by and starring Siobhan McMillan and directed by Gabi Maddocks, which looks at one woman’s journey through her psyche: represented here by the witch, the princess and the man-eating female.
The clever characterisation of Shivvers the witch, who our lifestyle vlogger ShyGirl transforms into after being stood up by her date, is a distant relative of Snow White’s stepmother. Aghast at no longer being the fairest woman in all the land, she journeys into a misadventure of curious and dark paths, conjuring up even stranger beings, like the sweet and perfect Bitch Face.
McMillan eases herself into these various roles, making an excellent old witch in particular, her arm curled over her head – simple but memorable. Her writing is striking, detailed and provocatively works excellently against the archaic land of witches and princesses, reading like a storybook for children. Remembering all her lines faultlessly, whilst switching between accents, voices and physical formations, the performer really shines in her many roles.
Though the piece is essentially well-written and acted, it becomes slightly baffling and, as director Gabi Maddocks also states, “…sometimes as confusing for the audience as it is for our lead character”. The show has changed since its inception, and will perhaps go on to iron out these incongruities.
Mirrors is an interesting and often hilarious tale of the classic story of “mirror mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all”, while simultaneously making one contemplate the patriarchy we live in and how, more often than not, women are judged on their appearance and not their achievements. McMillan and Maddocks combine the fantastical with themes of femininity, and the effects of social media. The journey to find the most beautiful woman (or man) can never be achieved, and Mirrors ends on a thought-provoking note: ShyGirl/Shivvers back in her bedroom, still unhappy, and still searching for the unattainable.
Selina Begum
Photo: Thomas Ashton
Mirrors is at Leicester Square Theatre from 29th March until 14th April 2018. For further information or to book visit the theatre’s website here.
Watch the trailer for Mirrors here: