Top tools and tips you’ll need in order to brew your own beer at home

Are you the type of person who enjoys a nice cold beer and is always open to sampling a new draft or variety? If so then you may want to take part in the growing trend of actually brewing your very own beer at home. By brewing your beer at home you’ll be in total control of the process, and the flavours that go into your beer allowing you to create something unique and customised. While there is certainly a learning curve involved, brewing your own beer may actually surprise you with how straight-forward and cost-effective it can be.
For those looking to give it a try, here’s a look at the top tools and tips you’ll need to get started with the process.
Round up your equipment
Brewing your own beer surprisingly doesn’t take much in terms of equipment. The basic supplies you’ll need are a syphon hose, a bubbler, a brewing bucket, and a good quality beer brewing thermometer.
Now keep in mind this is just to brew one batch of beer that you plan to consume in one sitting after it has fermented for a week or two. It’s an introductory list of equipment that can be found in any home brewing store. Often the equipment is sold as a kit and can be purchased for around $20 (not including the thermometer).
Look into more advanced equipment
If you’re not the type of person to be satisfied with the basic brew, then you’re going to need additional supplies such as a brew kettle, brew burner, a fermenter, and more. Obviously, this will increase the costs of brewing your own beer, but your results will be that much better and you can make bigger batches.
Make sure the yeast has been properly prepped
One common mistake that new brewers make is to let the yeast sit for months at a time in the fridge before using it. By doing this it won’t receive the right amount of oxygen, which will then affect the taste of your beer in a negative way. You may be intrigued by the yeast starters available on the market, but experts recommend making your own starter instead. This creates active fermentation, which then reduces the risk of contamination.
Don’t be afraid of being a brew-master
While there are all kinds of flavour concoctions you can come up with, people often shy away from these in fear they may not turn out. There is nothing wrong with being creative and trying to become a brew-master in your own home. You may just create your new favourite recipe.
Be wary of the alcohol level
Another tip from experts is to be aware of the alcohol level. You want to find that “sweet spot” where the alcohol level is light but not overly light. Sure, the flavour will be stronger in beers with more alcohol, but this is a tricky balance to achieve especially for beginners.
With these tools and tips, you’re sure to create some successful and tasty results.
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