Ideas to make easy money online without investing

Nowadays, the best way to earn money is online. In the BI (Before Internet) era, it was difficult to earn money without getting a proper job or having plenty of money to invest in a legitimate business. However, with the technological and social advancements that we have in the 21st century, there are numerous ways, both active and passive, in which you can earn money online without investing a dime.
What most of them have in common is that, in the beginning, they require a substantial amount of effort to be able to earn a decent salary. However, as you get better, the gap between the time and effort invested and the money earned will significantly decrease. Check out the list below to see what some of those ways are and choose the one(s) you like the most!
Earn by taking surveys
If you can’t think of a specific talent that makes you stand out – for instance, great writing skills – then this could be the solution for you. Depending on how much time you invest in this job, you can earn a decent amount of money.
Companies often pay people to take surveys, which requires no skills whatsoever. All you need is a computer and an internet connection. There are hundreds of market research companies that look for motivated people like you, many of which you can find on this link. Online survey jobs are best for those who live in English-speaking countries such as the US, Canada and the UK since there are more surveys available there. The range of topics you’ll be asked to share your experience or opinion about range from medical to shopping, and even games or motor racing. You just need to share your honest opinion, that’s what they pay for.
Start writing a blog
Blogging is another best way to earn money online. There are numerous free platforms which allow you to create a blogging domain, so all you need is an idea, time, and a plan. It’s definitely not easy money, but it pays off if you follow a steep learning curve and you hone your audience-targeting skills. These are some of the most common ways of monetising:
- Affiliate marketing. Promote a company’s service/product and get paid when your link is used to make a purchase.
- Display Google Ads and get paid per Ad Click or per Ad Impression.
- Sell ad space on your blog.
- Allow paid articles on your blog.
Monetise YouTube videos
YouTube is becoming a more and more popular way of earning money online. The most successful YouTubers, such as PewDiePie, Jenna Marbles, Casey Neistat, and so on, earn millions of dollars a year.
You can do the same if you come up with an idea that sells. Depending on what you wish to do in your videos, you don’t need any initial investment. Some of the most high-grossing channels are people just sitting in front of a camera and talking about their day. That’s as simple as it gets, right?
Make money by becoming a freelancer
If there is something that you are particularly good at, you can always become a freelancer and offer your skills online to those who most need them. These skills can include anything, but the most popular options are SEO, content writing, graphic design, web development, data entry and so on.
The most popular websites for starting out as a freelancer are Upwork and Fiverr, but there are numerous others that you can check out. The competition is hard in the beginning, but as you start building your profile and your portfolio, it will become much easier to land a good job.
As you can see, earning money online is quite easy. You don’t have to be a business mag or a marketing genius in order to succeed. All you need is a starting idea – five of which we’ve given you in this article – and some time and effort that you’re willing to put in.
In the beginning, the revenue will probably be low, but the most important thing to succeed is not to give up straight away and push through the tough period.
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