How indie artists can reap the rewards of VOD (Netflix)

Ever since the Lumière brothers made the first motion picture in history, technology has been getting more and more involved in the making of films and videos; it is not new information. What is, however, is technology being involved in the distribution process. As you must’ve noticed, video distribution is taking a sharp turn towards VOD, or video-on-demand. Websites like Netflix have been taking over the industry bit by bit, which some artists – especially independent artists – perceive as something to fear. However, if there was one thing that psychology has taught us, it is that we fear what we don’t understand.
Here is how to better understand and make the most out of today’s market for media distribution; more specifically, subscription-based VOD platforms.
Consider your audience
Of course, becoming an independent artist must mean that the last thing you want is to cater to the masses or follow a trend. On the other hand, generating revenue means that people must like, or at least be intrigued, by what you are offering. A distributor, such as Netflix, usually assesses content based on consumer trends. It’s all about demand and supply; you need to make sure that your content has a certain appeal to it. You won’t have to completely go mainstream; yet, it would help greatly if you make tweaks based on what people are interested in.
Quality is everything
VOD websites are in a constant struggle to become the top media distributors, which means they care for quality content more than anything. As expensive equipment is, as an indie artist, there is already the struggle of being overlooked from websites because of not being backed up by a major production company. However, having a high-quality product is guaranteed to distinguish you from everyone else. This means getting the proper permissions to sync music, using high-definition cameras, as well as sound equipment. Simply put, to be featured on a website as big as Netflix, you need to be as professional as possible.
Get the right deal
There are several types of deals you could make when selling your film. However, the most recommended type is the one where you get paid an amount in advance. It is a guaranteed way to ensure that your film will be handled properly by the purchaser since they already paid an amount for it. In order to avoid losing money, they would need to put effort into marketing your film, which would mean that you would have a higher chance in getting recognition, as well as, revenue.
The market for entertainment is in a state of constant change which is why as indie artists it is necessary to learn to adapt. There is no need to worry about becoming a corporate sell out, or losing your creative freedom, or even your identity. The only thing you need to learn how to do is to understand the market and your audience; only then will you be able to truly reap the benefits of VOD.
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