Three mistakes you don’t want to make while dating online

Online dating is tricky. While there is a good chance to meet someone, who has not friend-zoned you yet, there is also the risk of running into a person who is a fraud. There are hundreds of examples of couples who got married after meeting online. On the other hand, there are instances too where people got duped because they allowed their emotions to get the best of them.
It is possible to find true love online, but you shouldn’t try too hard; else, you will either end up being disappointed with the experience and have no faith on online dating or get fooled monetarily which will be even worse.
If you don’t want to experience either, the following advice will stop you from making the most common online dating mistakes:
Be sincere about yourself
Online dating sites have questionnaires that you need to fill out while registering. The rule of thumb is not lying while answering. Don’t pretend to be someone you are not. Lying is never encouraged if you want a serious relationship. For example, don’t claim that you drink and smoke if you don’t; or, don’t say you are slim if you are overweight. It is easy to edit profile pictures and make yourself look good but lying about yourself is not the foundation to start a healthy relationship.
Avoid clichés
That’s the last thing you would like to do after finding a match online. Don’t be too clichéd while striking up a conversation. That will bore the person whom you have not even met. Try to text something other than “hello,” “hi,” and “how are you doing?” Also, don’t make the mistake of writing an entire page introducing yourself. An ideal way to start a smooth conversation is finding something you have in common in their profile. This breaks the ice, and the conversation naturally flows from there. More importantly, you’ll set yourself apart from others who don’t know how to start a conversation.
You can also ask questions about the topic you have in common. For example, if he/she loves photography, ask what lens they prefer using, the type of photography they love, and so on. This automatically arouses interest in the other person’s mind to know the same things about you. It is not the ultimate tip to start a conversation but finding a common interest always helps.
Safety first
It is not uncommon to find potential partners through online dating websites and apps. LoveSita, for one, makes it easy for users to find their suitable match online. But you should always be cautious with whom you chat. Try to talk to potential matches on the phone for a while before you agree to meet in person. Enough can be lied about on texts but talking on the phone clears the growing air of suspense. If you notice your match fiddling around, know it’s not going to work.
Online dating websites have become widely popular around the world, especially after thousands finding their life-partner through these sites. You can have the same luck, but make sure you don’t commit the mistakes mentioned above.
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