Advice for students when they’re homesick

Not so long ago you made the decision to study away from your hometown and parental home. And despite the fact that you really wanted to get this opportunity, you still have the right to homesickness and memories of the homeland. This feeling will be especially acute in the first few weeks or even months of your studying because now you are at the stage of adaptation to new conditions of life, new people, new requirements and even to your new self, which from now bears the responsibility independently.
Don’t be arrogant
Changing places and settings is always stressful. From the first days in a new team, a student (especially if s/he is shy) is most often inclined to act tensely, avoid contacts, and withdraw into himself. Such a cold attitude can be regarded as arrogance.
Therefore, despite the difficult process of adaptation, try not to avoid people, contact, ask for help and smile. You need to be bolder and ask more, communicate with teachers, ask questions to classmates. Over time, each student will form his own social circle, but until this point, it is useful to make as many acquaintances as possible. When you are in the depths of events, yearning does not penetrate there.
Ask for support
The first months at the university are always the hardest. The newly enrolled student only understands the schedule of lectures, looks for audiences in different buildings, gets tired of studying. Because of this, almost everyone is sullen and irritable. If you have already managed to make friends with someone from the group, share your feelings. It is very possible that your classmate also misses home very much. It will be much easier to cope with the adaptation, supporting each other.
Get a pet
Not only people can help in any stressful situation. A pet, for example a kitten, a hamster, and even aquarium fish, distracts from the hustle and bustle and give a good mood. If, according to campus rules, it is allowed to keep an animal, take advantage of this opportunity.
Go in for sports
Do not deprive yourself of sports! You sit with textbooks all day, so being outdoors is extremely important here. Go for a walk as soon as the weather contributes to this. Long walks and new experiences are sure to help relieve stress.
Do not forget to eat the right products
Anti-stress diet also matters. Fatty varieties of marine fish calm down the raging hormones of anxiety and stress best. They contain Omega-3 fatty acids, which are called “brain foods.” They improve not only the work of the nervous system and the brain but also keep the body’s immune system in order. Foods rich in carbohydrates, such as bread, pasta, potatoes, bananas, also help to cope with strong experiences. All of them contain substances that provide a surge of strength and a sense of pleasure. And chocolate is the top product in the fight against yearning, stress, and anxiety.
Don’t let homesickness ruin your academic performance
Each student responds differently to separation from home and parents. Someone will get used to it in two days, but someone will need to take the first year to get used to and let go of his or her old life. However, regardless of your individual reactions, do not allow this to affect your assessment adversely. If you feel that you are not coping with the academic load, ask for help. For example, go to a dedicated and delegate part of academic tasks. Use your free time to complete the most important papers and work on yourself. Do not try to grasp the immensity – it is much easier to get used to new circumstances and loads gradually, improving your moral strength.
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