Improve your handwriting

The handwriting you utilise to note things down is essential. For most people having poor handwriting does not bother them as in the end, they can read what they write. However, if you find that you can barely read the notes you take down, it is time to improve your handwriting. Improving how you write is tedious and time-consuming work but, with commitment and following these techniques, you can learn how to improve your handwriting or how to write my essay easily.
Think of reasons which make you do so
One of the first tips to improve handwriting is determining why you want to change it. You may want to make your notes more legible, improve on how you write some letters, to write fluently without getting tired quickly or to display your expertise in choreographing a note or letter. Whichever the reason, identify it and plan to work towards it.
Choose strategy properly
Just as you would not go to war unarmed so should you be prepared when you want to produce beautiful handwriting. There is a wide array of pens that you can choose. Instead of using chewed biros, which you have to push too hard, go for a good fountain pen, ballpoint or roller-balls pen. Ensure you are comfortable holding it, it produces a smooth flow of ink in your favourite colour, and its thickness is the right amount.
Despite your pen having a sharp pointed end, you need to grasp the angle at which to hold it. To learn how to write neatly, hold the pen upright with a light grip so that it can move about as you write and the ink flows smoothly. Utilise the fingers that feel most comfortable to you; however, it would be preferable to use your thumb and your index finger. Let the top of the pen rest on the base of your index finger rather than in between the thumb and the index finger.
Work with shoulder
The way you position your shoulders determines how well you write. Keep them upright and ensure they are relaxed, with your fingers that are not writing firmly tucked under your hand, which rests on the table.
The area you work on matters as well. Make sure you have a free and spacious area to work on your writing. It should be free of clutters to enable your arm to freely move as you write as fixing yourself in the corner of a cluttered table will not help you produce high-quality handwriting. Now, write in a continuous alignment and avoid changing it as this improves your handwriting. Instead, move the paper up the desk instead of your hand for consistency.
Musical instruments to help
When practising how to write, opt for musical instruments. Act like you are playing the guitar by holding your arm at the front of your bent elbow and begin moving it as if you are writing letters in the air. Concentrate on moving away from your shoulder and holding your arm and fingers steadily.
Once you become comfortable making big letters, try making small air letters. You will feel ridiculous and even find it funny playing the guitar in the form of letters on air, but this will help you trace you practice using the correct muscles, which aid in learning how to have good handwriting.
Once you get the confidence of mastering the muscles to use in writing small letters on the air, now it is time to practice with a paper and a pen. Start by writing large letters such as X, O, as well as other letters with loops and swirls. Ensure your shoulder moves and your wrist moves slowly with your fingers guiding the writing.
Centre your concentration on producing smooth shapes, following the lines on the paper and maintaining consistency of the size of the letters and their spacing. As you perfect writing these letters, make them smaller and smaller. Next, introduce the other alphabetical letters beginning with large once and gradually making them smaller until you complete a full paragraph.
Following this process from writing large letters to small will help you develop new muscle memory and forget your old writing habits.
A lot of practice
Practice and more practice will make your handwriting perfect. Therefore, take advantage of this by choosing to write on a paper instead of typing on a keyboard. If you are a writer and you are wondering how I begin to write my essay, report or proposal. Consider writing your initial draft on a paper with a pen and edit it while typing it in a computer to give you experience.
Continue your practice by writing longhand to-do lists; maintain a journal and scribbling small notes if you are stuck in traffic, meeting or classroom instead of drawing. Continued practice each day will see you improve your handwriting.
Having good handwriting is an essential asset to a writer, a student and any other person. The way you write reflects your personality thus if you want to change it for the better, come up with a reason to change it, device a strategy on how to go about it and know the angles on how to write. Have a good posture, use musical instruments for practice, shape out the alphabets and practice your writing, and you will improve your handwriting.
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