Seven things you should know about music

Music is wonderful, meaningful, and uplifting. It is the easiest accessible art form on the planet and providing you have the time and patience you can learn to play an instrument. Despite its accessibility, many do not take up this rewarding pastime for a host of reasons. If you feel something is holding you back from picking up a six-string, and plugging it into custom pedalboards for guitars and getting creative, the following facts may remove your inhibitions.
Elvis Presley could not read music
The King of Rock ‘n’ Roll with those memorable hips could not read music. He could entertain, he could say uh-huh like no other human ever to exist, but when it came to decoding quavers and semibreves, he simply couldn’t do it.
This means that you do not need to learn to read music, to pick up a guitar and start enjoying playing an instrument. The site is a good place to start your musical journey.
Try and ignore naysayers if they try and talk you out of taking up music as a hobby.
Your all-time favourite song is due to a significant event
The Short and Long-term Musical Preferences: What Makes a Favourite Piece of Music? study that appeared in the Psychology of Music publication, found that your favourite song connects to a significant event in your life. It should be noted that the sample pool was quite small. The authors of the study acknowledge it needs to interview more people to get a explore the idea in more detail.
Nonetheless, you probably, at the very least associate music with certain periods of your life.
The good and the bad of background music
Background music doesn’t make you more productive in the workplace, but it does help you work out in the gym. The quality of the equipment is important, too. Think of a scenario where you have multiple sound systems: “My best subwoofer is the one I have in the main music room but the gym one is the more powerful.” Should be noted that this is in all probability an individual thing rather than a general rule.
Meaningful lyrics resonate when times are tough
Another study about music, found that more meaningful songs were more popular when economic conditions were rough. Slower, romantic songs seemed to bring comfort to the listener when they were uncertain they were going to have a roof over their head.
Music makes you smarter
There have been numerous studies that show listening to music improves IQ and that experienced musicians have more alert minds and are open to learning new ideas.
Bar owners turn the music up to sell more drinks
Research suggests that if music is louder in a bar, you consume more alcohol. When you next go for a pint and notice the music is quite loud, this could be why.
If you love music you are likely to get songs stuck in your head
If you are a music lover, you are more likely to get catchy songs stuck in your head whether you like them or not. Earworms, it is believed, are best accepted rather than actively trying to block them out of your head. This is the fastest way to get the annoying pop song out of your head.
If you are a discerning music lover, try visiting this page and check out the reviews.
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