How to make a fax cover sheet

Before we discuss how to make an impressive fax cover sheet it is very essential for us to understand what fax cover sheet is and why we require it. Fax cover sheet can be defined as a sheet which is faxed along with the actual fax message to the recipient. The main purpose of the fax cover sheet gives an idea to the recipient to determine the sender of the fax and its purpose. Generally, a corporate office gets hundreds of fax in a single day and under such condition if you provide your fax cover sheet in a presentable way it helps the recipient to understand its importance and in such case he gives more value to it over the other faxes.
But writing a fax cover sheet needs a lot of understanding and you must know the format well so that you do not commit a mistake while writing it. That is the reason why in this article we have come up with every detail about how to create fax cover sheet so that the user can get a fair idea about what to write and what not in the fax cover sheet. However, some more samples are available in this site which you can check for better understanding.
Template of fax cover sheet
There are many templates of fax cover sheet and it is important to know the general template to understand its format. That is the reason we have presented a general template of fax cover sheet which is highly used in many corporates:
[You Name]
[Company Name]
[Street Address]
[City, State, and Zip Code]
[Phone Number]
[Website or Email Address]
[Recipient’s Name]
[Recipient’s Company Name]
[Recipient’s Fax Number]
[Your Name]
[You Fax Number]
Date: <Date of the day when you will send the fax in DD/MM/YYYY format>
Page: <Total Number of the page included in the actual fax>
<Here you have to give a brief statement about the content of the fax and explain a little why you are sending the fax to the recipient>
X Urgent
X For Review
X Please Comment
X Please Reply
Things that you need to cover in the fax cover sheet
Once you understand the format of the fax cover sheet it becomes easier for you to understand the things that you need to cover in the fax cover sheet. The following are the ways by which you have to fill up your fax cover sheet:
- If you observe the fax cover sheet template, in most of the cases you will find that there are options providing both senders as well as receivers contact details. As such you have to fill up the details address of both the sender and receiver such as their City, State, Zip Code, Phone Number, Fax number, etc. It is important to fill up the sender’s address so that the recipient can easily determine who the sender is and also from where the fax has arrived.
- In most of the Fax cover sheet, there will be a “Date” field. In this “Date” field you have to enter the date of the day when you will send the actual fax to the recipient. It is generally recommended to present the date in DD/MM/YYYY format for better understanding of the recipient.
- Again in most fax cover letter template, you will observe a “Page” field where you have to write the number of the page that the actual fax contains. It is important to specify the fax page number so that the recipient can understand if any page is missing or not.
- After that, there will be some blank space in which you have to give a brief description of the content of the main fax. This is important so that the recipient can get a fair idea about the fax are all about.
- Then you will find four checkboxes – Urgent, For Review, Please Comment and Please Reply. You need to tick on the “URGENT” checkbox at the time when you want your recipient needs to reply to your fax quickly. Tick the checkbox “For Review” at the time when you will require your recipient not only to review the content but also to edit it in case of any necessity. Tick the checkbox “Please Comment” when the recipient not only needs to look at the content but also to response it. Tick on the “Please Reply” checkbox at the time when you require a reply to your fax from the recipient.
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