Why guarana is so food for your skin

If you’ve ever heard of guarana, it is most likely because you’ve heard of its intense caffeine hit or because you’ve drunk one of the many energy drinks on the market that contain the ingredient. As a result of its high caffeine content, guarana is helpful to keep you alert, and even help you burn off fat thanks to its metabolism-boosting effects. What you may not know is that guarana also can keep your skin healthy and looking fantastic. Read on to find out more.
What is Guarana?
Guarana is a plant found in the Amazon in Brazil. The fruit of the plant is the basis for many guarana products and is where the caffeine and other minerals are found. While the seed is roughly the same size as a coffee bean, it packs a caffeine punch many times higher into the same space. In terms of your skin, however, it’s the fantastic antioxidant properties of the seed which make it stand out.
What are the other benefits of guarana?
Guarana contains many antioxidants including caffeine, catechins, theobromine, and theophylline. Oxidised particles in your system can lead to negative health effects, so any substance that can clear them out is a help. According to test-tube studies, guarana’s health hiking antioxidants might even fight against cancer cell growth.
Guarana can also allow you to focus more, as evidenced by its use in energy drinks. This can also help combat the symptoms of fatigue, helping keep you alert for longer.
Why is it good for your skin?
Thanks to the antioxidising effects of guarana, it makes for a fantastic skincare ingredient. If you check the labels of some of your household skincare products, you’re likely to see guarana on the list. Researchers say that it’s these antioxidants that give guarana its famed anti-ageing effect.
Caffeine has also been shown to increase the flow of blood to the skin, which helps to deliver more vital nutrients to keep the organ healthy. Many different cellulitis treatments now use guarana in their formula for this exact reason.
As we saw earlier, guarana is one of the richest natural caffeine sources there is.
Is guarana good for your hair?
Guarana can also help to keep your hair in good condition to keep your hair looking shiny and youthful. All of the antioxidising benefits associated with guarana and skincare also apply to your scalp. Clearing your skin and scalp of oxidants with guarana means you’ll have healthier, shiny hair as a result.
What else is guarana used for?
Guarana is also found in many types of fat burning supplement. The high amount of caffeine and the metabolism-boosting potential of guarana means it’s an ideal additive for this type of product. If you’re looking for a fat burner, we’d recommend Hourglass, which is focused on women who want to burn belly fat and get an hourglass shape. You can find it at https://www.hourglassfit.com/en-gb/
Is guarana safe?
Guarana has been used by all kinds of people for thousands of years and we add it to all kinds of commercial products today. When used in sensible amounts, it should provide its amazing antioxidant and energising effects safely.
What’s interesting is that you might only need around 50-75 mg to start experiencing the benefits of this tiny, but pretty impressive fruit. So, there’s really no need to start taking high doses for your skin.
Taking too much guarana can give you similar feelings to having a lot of caffeine. Plus, because of the stimulants inside, it’s not recommended for pregnant or breast-feeding women.
So yes, guarana should be safe when used in sensible amounts.
Who would have thought such a small seed could provide so much love for your glossy locks and skin. Why not add guarana into your health routine and see what it can do for your complexion?
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