The contemporary technology that is empowering the fashion industry

Since its very origins, fashion has continually evolved. In recent years, new designs, styles, and trends have continuously been created to meet the ever-increasing demands of consumers. As a result, designers and retailers across the globe have embraced the potential of modern-day technology as a method of driving future business success. Following these advancements, we’re going to look at the technology empowering the fashion industry.
Facial recognition
After a prolonged period of development, facial recognition programs are slowly being introduced into stores by fashion retailers. While the software itself is still dividing opinion, some designers believe that it could prove highly beneficial to the long-term future of the industry, along with also boosting short-term profits.
After being created in 2009, Ruti Zisser, the founder of Ruti, a Californian-based fashion brand, has sought to intertwine facial recognition with retail shopping in nine of her stores. Upon entering one of the shops, a series of cameras take several images of the consumers, before then storing them on a system which also contains information regarding habits and preferences, according to a report by Glossy. Along with being a powerful tool for ensuring security, the in-store technology is proving central to business growth and heightened profits in a new era of fashion, with companies starting to embrace the possibilities of facial recognition.
Fabric bioengineering
It’s no secret that the fashion industry is continually being encouraged in its efforts to become more environmentally friendly, and the bioengineering of fabrics could be pivotal to a more sustainable future. Due to the advancements made within 3D design technology, there’s a possibility that it can assist from an environmental and profit standpoint.
One of the most significant benefits of its evolution, from a consumer perspective, is the speed at which it could bring products to market. At present, fast fashion is the primary concept which seeks to deliver high-end clothing without a long delay. However, there are concerns over its environmental impact. Crucially, the technology increases the speed of product availability in retail stores, while also ensuring less waste through a system that places more responsibility with designers.
Global developments in security
As demonstrated with facial recognition software, security is becoming vitally important across many different markets. With security features recognised by flagship organisations who specialise in controlling digital gaming for any industry that has migrated their services online in the new digital age, their main focus is to protect the sensitive data of their customers.
Furthermore, through placing an emphasis on digital protection, online markets can develop accordingly in their efforts to create accessible and adaptable platforms. Regarding adaptability, Ruti’s consumer-analysing software ensure continual technological advancements result in customers enjoying a pleasant and secure online experience. Crucially, with cyberattacks proving to be a constant threat in modern-day society, state-of-the-art security measures and technology allows for peace mind in all corners of the online world.
Sustainable products and profits
While there are still question marks over the future direction of the fashion industry, technology could yet provide the solution to the sector’s sustainability concerns. Through fabric bioengineering, achieving a reduction in environmental damage and waste alongside maintaining healthy profits and the security of consumers, sustainability is more of a possibility than ever before.
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