How to attract Chinese customers in London

Are you fascinated by the Chinese culture and want to make the population in London happier with your business activities? You have plenty of business options that can tap into this population successfully. There are more than 120,000 Chinese in London comprising of almost 1.5% of the population in the city. You can find the highly popular tourist attraction, Chinatown, right next to Piccadilly Circus. That speaks a lot about the popularity of this community in London. So, here are a few tricks to ensure they welcome your business wholeheartedly:
Learn their language
The Chinese population in London mostly speak English. But most entrepreneurs take them for granted. They think that the entire population would understand their language because they stay in a British nation. While that is somewhat true, it doesn’t necessarily mean they appreciate speaking English all the time. So, if you want to make an excellent first impression, learn Chinese. There are enough Chinese classes in London where you can enroll and learn this language. This will immediately create a positive impact in their minds about your company.
Send personalised messages
Apart from learning mandarin, you should also send personalised messages to this community who already believe in your company. It is one of the best ways to encourage existing customers to spread the word about your business around their community. If you have done all the hard work to take Chinese classes London, written personalised messages in mandarin, and sent them special discount coupons during their festive period, the word will spread fast. But you need to do the hard work first to get the desired results.
Translate your website
Even though the Chinese population in London may know how to read and speak English, it is always better to make them feel special. Your journey to impress this community doesn’t end only by learning their native language. You also need to translate your website into mandarin so that whenever they open your website, they see Chinese and not English. The more you make them feel that you care for them, the more they will try to stick to your company.
This strategy even works if you expand your business to Chinese speaking countries like Singapore, Taiwan, Malaysia, Thailand, etc. Learning the native language is a must for everyone who wants to tap into the Chinese population. In addition to these two strategies, you also have to learn about the traditions and culture of this community. Starting from the types of food they eat to the festivals they celebrate; you should know everything by heart.
Trafalgar Square celebrates the Chinese New Year with a variety of traditional dances and performances. Apart from the Chinese population, tourists and local residents also become a part of this festival. That’s the kind of infused culture that you need to adapt to if you want this population to respond to your business. So, learn about their traditions, language, culture, and everything you can to impress them. It’s almost like impressing a new girl you want as your life-long partner.
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