How to stay motivated when doing distance learning

Career excellence and promotion are on the minds of most working men especially if they are career-driven and motivated. Upskilling and career advancement can be possible while working by taking on distance learning. Although distance learning is usually a 12-month course and is seen as a short-term goal, one must be committed and disciplined to succeed. The demands of a full-time job, health and fitness and maintaining a social life is already a balancing act, add studying to this cycle and all the balls can drop. With some organisation, planning and dedication attaining a degree online can be achievable.
Scheduling a timetable
The best way to set yourself up for success is to schedule your time properly, ahead of time and to stick to the schedule. Manage your hours on a daily calendar to include rest, meals, exercise, work, studying, and try to keep your social calendar to a minimum. Technology can be a great tool in helping you complete your studies, so investigate study apps that will suit your needs and keep you motivated.
If you keep to a weekly schedule of studying, chances are good that you can dedicate a weekend to your social activities. Inform colleagues, family, and friends that you will be studying for the next year or two to manage expectations. Never feel guilty when you must decline social invitations as the reward of completing your degree online will far outweigh the odd parties you may have to skip.
Set goals and rewards
The adage of a carrot and a donkey is applicable to a student and a reward. Set yourself (the proverbial donkey) goals and rewards (carrots) yourself when you accomplish these goals. Set attainable goals in small segments if you are driven by a goal and achievement system. Completing a chapter or module successfully should be a reward. Handing in assignments on time can be a reward. Reaching the four, eight and 12-week mark of studying can be a reward. Diarise these events and reward yourself accordingly with tickets to a sporting event, a day out with a loved one or an evening of wining and dining. Celebrate each small accomplishment and use this energy as motivation to continue.
Practise good study habits
When it is crunch time, it is useful to revisit your old studying habits from college or school days and find ways that can work for you. Identify if you are a visual, auditory or repetitive inclined learner and develop study skills in the areas that help you study properly.
When studying technical courses such as an MSc Business analytics degree online, ensure you have a comfortable study area that has little to no distractions in order to focus and study. Appropriate study areas enhance your ability to study without being tempted to procrastinate and to crack on with the work at hand.
Stay hydrated and take regular breaks to avoid fatigue and to keep your focus. Research has shown that if you do some sort of light activity on a study break, your body is more inclined to get back into focus mode than if you check your social media or watch TV.
By staying organised, dedicated and setting yourself study goals and rewards, you can quite easily pass your course or degree with flying colours without sacrificing on the things you love to do socially. If you have been considering whether to study part-time but worried that you won’t stay motivated enough, now is the time to organise yourself, change your mindset and go get that degree!
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