Tips for securing a loan

Getting your loan approved isn’t a joke. Several factors come into play. From credit score, through debt report, all the way to annual income – getting approved can be frustrating. Also, getting approved doesn’t have a universal formula. While some lenders consider things like cash flow and education level, others will approve your loan based on your credit score. However, it’s generally doable. With simple tips, you can increase your chances of getting one. This article is going to highlight the top tips to help you with the process:
Cleaning your credit is important
Most lenders will look at your credit score. So, if your credit score is excellent, you stand a big chance of getting approved. So, work on your credit history. Clear all your credit on time. Also, ensure that your credit report doesn’t have any errors. Check to see if there are things like wrong accounts and incorrect credit limits. This will boost your credit score.
Consider rebalancing your debt-income ratio
Most lenders will ask you to submit your annual income – including money that comes from side hassle activities. So, consider doing side hassle activities to increase your annual income. The bottom line is to increase your income and lower all your debts. It will build confide on the side of your lenders.
Take what you need
Don’t borrow too much money. Take what you can afford to pay. Have a clear reason why you want the money. Squeeze that budget of yours. Minimise expenses.
Get it right with the choice of your lender
Choose the right lender. The interest rate is the first thing you should consider, but lenders that are more willing to approve requests from people with a credit score is not great usually offer higher rates. The latter will have minimum requirements, companies like
What credit score do I need for a personal loan?
It’s important to note that people with a high credit score tend to secure loans with low-interest rates. For instance, if your credit score is between 670 and 850, the lender will prioritise giving you loan facilities with low-interest rates. Normally, lenders consider this range as an excellent credit score. Thus, you will access loan options that are least expensive.
However, if your credit score is low, you can still secure loans from a number of lenders. But the interest rates tend to rise as the score dips. So, be sure to check with your lender first. Review the ratings offered by that lender before taking a personal loan.
Leverage on a personal loan calculator
Consider using a loan calculator to control your repayments. Understand how the calculator works. Also, know things like interest rates and additional charges before taking a personal loan. Choose a lender with the best terms.
Key takeaway: Consider your options
Of course, a personal loan can help you sort a number of financial issues. However, it can also be problematic. Thus, it’s important to consider both sides before taking any loan facilities. Do you really need that loan? What are you intending to use the loan for? Can you afford to repay your loan back? In a nutshell, take it when you need it. Don’t take a personal loan to finance your luxury. It will become problematic in the future.
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The material contained in this article is of the nature of general comment only and does not give advice on any particular matter. Recipients should not act on the basis of this article’s information without taking appropriate professional advice.