Which part-time jobs actually pay well and fit with your lifestyle

Sometimes fitting life and work into all the available hours seems like mission impossible, maybe it’s lifestyle, parenting, other caring responsibilities or even issues with your own health, there are a multitude of reasons that the classic 9 till 5 doesn’t work for everyone. So what kinds of jobs can we find that will suit a range of different requirements, here are a few examples of the type of working that be effective in this way.
Parent-friendly hours
Parenting is a really time-consuming lifestyle choice, and it’s not just that you have limited hours, because the answer that is often given is that you could use out of hours school care but as anyone who’s done this knows it is horribly expensive and this is doubly true (or in triplicate or more) if you have more kids. So it’s no surprise that even a lower-paid position that offers parent-friendly hours can, at the end of the month, leave you with more money in your pocket.
Work from home
Another way to get around having to keep unusual hours is to look for work that you can do from home. This is quite a wide category of work and can include so many different positions from writing to programming, basically most admin or office-based professional work. It can be a new job or sometimes an existing employer will grant a request to work from home for all or part of the week.
Freelance work
As well as getting a job that will be flexible around you, why don’t you offer yourself as and when you are available for work? This is called freelancing and it’s where you work for any number of organisations on a one-off, regular or irregular basis. One example could be where models can get jobs on shoots and shows as they are required.
If a business is in a line of work where customers are not expecting a 9 till 5 service or you need to service any office hours particularly then they are able to offer some or all of their workers’ flexi-time. So it may be that you have a core number of hours in your contract that needs to be fulfilled each week and there will often be core hours that need to be covered but within those limitations an employee can start early and finish early or take a shorter lunch and get that tie back elsewhere or a longer lunch and work a little later.
Turning your hobby into a job
If you have a hobby or passion that you spend a lot of time engaging in, then maybe it’s possible to make a living, or at least a top up on your income. If you are engaged in a sport or activity such as dancing, then maybe you could become an instructor, or if you are into something like computer games or fashion then maybe consider working in a shop that sells those kinds of things.
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