How to kickstart your healthy lifestyle after the holidays

It’s easy to feel downhearted at the end of the festive season, when the fun is over and all that’s left is the weight we’ve gained after a week of overindulgence. But the new year is the perfect time to get yourself back on the wagon. Here are some top tips for revitalising both the mind and the body.
More fibre and less sugar
If there’s one thing the holidays aren’t kind to, it’s your gut. Refined carbs may taste amazing, but after the bloating of Christmas, your digestive system will thank you when you reintroduced some roughage to your diet. Start the day with some shredded wheat or porridge, and for lunch with a difference try spelt, soda or rye bread. When you can, go for brown rice rather than white, and buy wholemeal pasta in place of regular. Of course, vegetables are also a great source of fibre as well as vitamins, and what’s more, they fill you up, so the greener your plate is, the better! Reducing your sugar intake is also crucial after endless cake and chocolate-filled stockings. Stick to natural sugars, or if you can, go for sugar-free products to stave off diabetes, protect your teeth and keep your skin clear.
Regular walks or runs
Asides from aiding digestion, regular exercise boosts your metabolism and helps to burn fat. Programs such as Couch to 5k are great for those who are new to running, allowing you to go at your own speed and building up the distance through interval training. Apps like Map My Run are also great for tracking your progress. Remember, if jogging is not your thing, walking can be just as beneficial. 10,000 steps is a good target to aim for – most phones have pedometers so set yourself a target each day and walk to work if you can. Make sure you go at a speed that keeps to out of breath in order to improve your fitness and lower your resting heart rate. Walking early in the morning will help you burn more calories during the day and give your cheeks a healthy glow. If you think you don’t have enough time, perhaps because you spend hours on your phone try to dedicate at least one in the morning and one in the afternoon without touching it.
Mindfulness and meditation
Keeping your mind healthy is just as important as your body. Mindfulness is a great way to lower stress and anxiety after the fast pace of the holidays, or to appreciate your own company after having a houseful of people. You don’t have to be undergoing therapy to use these techniques: everyone deserves some downtime.
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