Popular roles for those working from home

Now that we can do so much with our computers, working from home is becoming ever more popular, with many people in the capital working remotely a few days a week. But for those who want to escape the office entirely, we have compiled a list of some of the most popular jobs that might be worth looking into.
Online writer and editor
The fact you are reading this is testament to the growing presence of online journalism. It follows, then, that in the endless space of the web, there is an increasing call for more and more creatives to both produce and edit content. If you have a degree in literature or a related discipline, there are many sites which employ freelancers, or you could get in touch with a magazine editor or start up your own blog.
If you are a stay-at-home parent or simply good with children, you might want to consider babysitting. Post online and let all your friends and family know: word of mouth can get you very far in this business. Alternately, if you’re not a people person, try petsitting instead.
Remote social media manager
Now that Twitter, Facebook and Instagram are such huge platforms, most companies have their own social media manager to help maintain their online image. If you are tech-savvy and have a large following or a knack for choosing the right hashtags, you might want to check this out on sites like Indeed and Linkedin.
Graphic designer
Those with an artistic flair can upload their drawing talents online by getting into graphic design. This can mean designing anything for digital or print publishing, from logos and packaging labels to advertisements. If you know your way around the Adobe suite, your skills could prove invaluable in the marketing world.
Virtual assistant
Now that we can have instant communication online, you can do all the work of a PA remotely from your desk. If you’re good at organisation and communication, this could be the perfect job for you.
With so many videos being uploaded, there is an increasing need for transcriptionists, who type out all the speech as text so that it can be used as subtitles, translated and sent all over the world.
Indeed, for multilinguists, there’s a lot of money to be made in translation. We all know that Google translate is not the most reliable of sources, so there’s a large market for those who can work with audio recordings and documents to produce something fluent and reliable.
The editorial unit