There IS a right way to take a nap

You can never underestimate the importance in your life of getting plenty of rest. A well-rested individual is more likely to succeed at accomplishing tasks than the person who finds themselves dragging because of insufficient rest.
Of course, a good night’s sleep is the method most people prefer to get the rest they need. For a myriad of reasons, that might not always be possible. The cure for not getting enough sleep at night is finding time to take a little nap during the day.
You might not believe this but experts assert there is a right way to take a nap. In the sections below, the discussion will point towards some tips you can use to make nap time all you want/need it to be.
The midday workplace nap
If you are prone to work hard and concentrate on what you are doing, you are most likely going to hit a point in the day when your eyes and mind get tired. You have two options: you can try to fight through it and risk making mistakes or you can turn your lunch break into a little nap time. You would be amazed at how refreshed and energised you can feel after laying your head to rest for as little as 30 minutes in the middle of the day.
Using nap time to compensate for shortage of sleep at night
If you are like most people, you will encounter nights where you don’t get the amount of rest you need to function at the highest levels. In such cases, you need to think about how you can steal a 60 to 90 minute nap at some point during the day.
While the level of rest might not be as refreshing as a full night of sleep, it can be enough to get you back on your toes. This might put you on track to accomplish all the things you need to accomplish before it’s time to lay your head to rest for the night at the end of the day.
The quickie nap
In a pinch, any amount of rest is going to be better than nothing. If you find yourself dragging during the day, a couple of ten-minute naps might be all that’s necessary to get you back on track. You just need to turn off the computer and lay your head down long enough to lift those heavy eyes.
When not to take a nap
It should be clear there are right ways to take naps. Just the same, there are times when naps can be counterproductive. For instance, a nap is not a good thing if you are battling sleep issues like insomnia. A nap is a poor substitute for sleep at night time. If you were to take a nap during the day, it might well end up exacerbating your nighttime sleeping issues.
It’s also important to refrain from taking naps past say 4pm. At that point in the day, you are better off letting yourself grow as tired as possible, increasing the chances you will sleep better at night.
To maximise the benefits you get from your naps, you might want to change things up a little over time. Eventually, you will find a nap cycle that works best for your mind and body.
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