How morning coffee can benefit you throughout the day

Coffee is a much-needed survival item for many people. While it provides energy, what most people do not realise is that coffee can provide a ton of health benefits as well in the long run. Drinking a cup or two of coffee a day can increase your life expectancy, and reduce the chances of strokes, heart failure, and other heart related issues. In the short term, there are many benefits to brewing up a batch of hot coffee and drinking it in the morning before you go to work. Here are some reasons why every morning should start with a fresh cup of joe:
Keeps you mentally alert
Everyone knows what it is like to wake up in the morning and be groggy. You can’t think straight and there is no way that you are going to be productive at work for at least another hour. This is where coffee comes in. According to this coffee information site, a cup of coffee in the morning stimulates your brain and helps to get you alert much faster than you normally would. No longer will you sit at your office exhausted and unproductive. Why does coffee make you alert though? The caffeine in coffee helps to stimulate your whole body and kick start it. In small doses, caffeine gives the heart a jolt and helps it to pump blood faster. The result of your heart pumping faster, is that more blood is reaching those important areas of your body, therefore getting more oxygen and feeling more alert. If you have an important work project in the morning, if you just want to skip that morning grogginess phase, a cup of coffee will do wonders to keep you mentally alert and stimulated throughout the day.
Can enhance your performance
Not only can caffeine and coffee increase your mental alertness and your ability to cognitively think, but it can also improve your athletic performances. Science has shown that coffee increases your ability to workout as it provides you with extra energy. This extra energy can give you that boost your workout needs to reach the next level. There is a reason why you see so many athletes and Olympians drinking their coffee. Looking at a study from the Olympics, a large majority of them tested positive for caffeine in their urine. If you are looking to give yourself a performance boost for your workout, drink a cup of coffee in the morning and watch as you are ready to take on the world from a physical standpoint.
Coffee can prevent and get rid of headaches
Waking up with a headache is one of the worst ways to start your day. The last thing that you would want to do is get up and get ready for work. Unfortunately, we live in a world where that is not an option. Luckily for you though, you don’t have to suffer with this headache. Drinking caffeine can help narrow the blood vessels in your head, therefore greatly reducing the throbbing sensation that is occurring. If you are going to be having a particularly stressful day at work in the afternoon, drink some coffee in the morning and watch as the stress headaches never come. Drink a morning coffee and have a painless afternoon.
Coffee can boost your mood
Caffeine is scientifically proven to be a mild antidepressant; therefore it helps to produce more chemicals in the brain that make you feel happier. Not only that, but it also works to prevent sudden mood swings meaning disasters at work will not frazzle you as easily as they would before. There is a reason why people claim they are angry before they have had their morning coffee. Don’t be one of those grumpy people in the morning who claim to not need coffee, get yourself a fresh hot cup and be a smiling beacon of joy that your work needs.
Coffee is an odour fighter
Coffee also works to fight odours within your body. Therefore, a cup a day will help to keep any unpleasant smells from foods you have eaten at bay. While your breath will smell of coffee, it is a much enjoyable smell to others than the other smells that could come out of your mouth. Drink some coffee to clear out any lingering odours within your mouth.
With so many benefits to drinking coffee in the morning, why aren’t you having one right now? From being mentally alert, to helping you reach your peak physical performance, coffee has a million benefits. Not only is it good for you, it’s delicious and will make you a happier worker. Go out and buy that coffee machine you were looking at and make yourself that morning cup. Do you put milk or cream in your coffee?
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