Four alternative ways to keep stress levels to a minimum

Keeping stress levels under control is something we probably all strive to achieve from time to time. If stress takes hold it can drastically affect our mood, our concentration levels and may even cause longer-term issues if not managed correctly. Here are four alternative ways to keep stress levels to a minimum.
Work-life balance
For many, work is the primary reason for increased levels of stress. We all have bills to pay and mouths to feed, so it is not always as simple as reducing ones’ working hours or having a career break. You will be pleased to know, however, that even small changes can make a big difference.
If your phone is usually glued to your ear during dinner or you can’t go longer than fifteen minutes in the evening without checking emails, try to shift away from that. Consider switching your phone off after 7pm or allow yourself a maximum of 30 minutes in the evening to deal with work-related issues. If your career is the reason for your stress levels being high, it’s something you might need to review.
CBD is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid compound extracted from the leaves, plants and flowers of hemp plants. As well as many other health benefits, research suggests that it may alleviate stress. It is reported that the reactions of the body such as raised heart rate, anxiety and increased blood pressure, can be reduced by CBD. There are many different formulations of CBD available from a variety of companies, so it’s important to do some research. If you are looking for an oil that is 100% natural and free from pesticides and herbicides, then ULU CBD oil might be a good choice.
Find a hobby
Many people find that having a hobby can greatly reduce stress levels. When you are concentrating or focussing on something you enjoy doing, it can clear your head and bring a sense of calm and relaxation. Whether you fancy trying your hand at woodturning or think photography might become a new passion, a hobby can provide a welcomed escape from day to day life and give you a much-needed boost.
Talk to friends and family
Whilst you might think the best scenario is to try and deal with your stress management alone, you may be surprised at the positive difference that talking about it could make. You may find that your family and friends are already aware of your increased stress levels due to mood swings you have been experiencing or due to your lack of patience at home. Try, where possible to open up and let them know how you are feeling. They may think of potential solutions that you hadn’t even considered. If you don’t feel comfortable talking about it to your loved ones, speak to a work colleague or even a doctor. A bit of help and some careful planning could massively lessen the burden that you have been carrying around.
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