Five relaxing activities you can do from home

Nowadays there are more and more hobbies we can take part in from the comfort of our own homes. While the wide world has a host of activities beckoning, from travel to concerts to the gym, sometimes – for reasons that might include lack of money or time, an injury or illness, or just a lack of desire – we need to keep our leisure activities confined to the home. Here is a list of fun and relaxing activities you can do within your four walls.
Stream a film
Video streaming services are proliferating at a fast rate these days. With a host of options on offer, it sometimes feels like there is too much choice available. There’s nothing like sitting down with a glass of wine or beer to enjoy a favourite movie or TV show online, and thanks to the wide range of services, it’s easier than ever. If you need to sit back, relax and turn off your thinking brain for a while, why not turn on the TV or computer for some comfort-watching? Or if you’re looking for something more stimulating, most streaming services now offer an excellent range of thought-provoking documentaries too.
Do a puzzle
Hear me out – puzzles are having a renaissance. From being the sole remit of grannies and invalids, puzzles – especially larger ones of 1,000 or more pieces – are fast becoming the plaything of the millennial. The major manufacturers of jigsaws are coming up with more and more challenging options for puzzle-heads, from carefully watercoloured pictures of the sky to 1,000-piece puzzles that are all one shade of white or black. There’s something very relaxing about sitting down and dealing with a problem that you know can be solved if you put the pieces together carefully enough.
Chat with friends
If you are into sports, it’s not a good moment because all the matches are pretty much on hold. There are games of course, even sports-themed online slot games. But you could also talk about sports or anything else with your friends. Thankfully, being indoors now doesn’t have to mean being a social recluse. It is very easy to connect with friends online, and there are a host of competing apps and services that allow for speedy and high-quality contact between those who are, in reality, perhaps thousands of miles away from each other. Do your research about what kind of service you require – are you looking for something that can help you chat with many people at once, or just one friend? Are you seeking a carefully-curated online gathering, or a random encounter? Whatever your needs, your smartphone has you covered.
While most people’s homes don’t have a fully-equipped gym, everyone has the floor space to try out a bit of yoga. The exercise regime, which draws on elements of Indian philosophy, has been hugely popular in the West since the 1920s at least. Renowned for its relaxing effect and considerable benefit on muscle and core strength, yoga is a seriously good option if you’re looking for something to relax you at home.
Do art/music
Sometimes the most relaxing activity of all is the joy of pure creation. Whether or not you consider yourself a Picasso or a Coltrane, it is very enjoyable to make music and art. For some people, these activities ceased with the end of primary school; for others, they are a regular part of life. But whatever your level of experience, try sitting down with a pencil and see what comes out. Or sing a song in the shower. It is good for the brain – and relaxing! – to try out alternative forms of expression.
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