Six ways to introduce a new cat to your home

Adopting a cat is one of the most rewarding things one could do. Cats are among the cutest pets out there, and people love having them around and caring for them. However, introducing a new cat into your family and a new home environment can be challenging at first. Cats need to be slowly integrated into any new household, especially if there is another cat or pet already living there.
There are a number of ways one can introduce a new cat into their home without any hassle
1. Create a safe space
When cats find themselves in a new environment, they can get really anxious about their surroundings. Even though they are known for being quite independent pets, they still need to be introduced to their new home gradually. A key step in that process is to make them their own little space where they can lie down or sit to observe their surroundings from a safe distance. You can visit this site to learn about how you can place certain objects together in your cat’s space, allowing it to get used to its new house smoothly. This can be anything from a comfy cushion to a small cupboard designed for the cat to sleep and safely sit in while being able to watch everything around it. Or a water bowl.
2. Keep pets separated at first
If you already have a second pet in your home while introducing your new cat to the family, then keeping them separated for a while might be a wise idea. You should give your new cat some time to adjust to the new home, as that can be a scary experience on its own without the added tension of another unfamiliar pet in the house. You can keep them in different rooms around the house just until the new cat gets used to the place and feels comfortable in its new home.
3. Be patient, give it some time
Cats are usually quite confident when it comes to moving around. But when they are just trying to get to know their new environment, it might take them a while to adjust. You shouldn’t worry or try to push your new cat out of its comfort zone when it is introduced to your home. Instead, try to give the cat its space and allow it to do the exploring at its own pace when it feels comfortable enough to do so.
4. Entertain cats with toys
Cats love playing with their owners. When the new cat is still trying to adjust to the new home environment, it might be worth investing in a few fun toys to play with; the playtime might help your cat to feel more comfortable. This can be anything from a squeaky toy to a scratching pole. The key is to get the cat out of its shell and pique its interest enough to play with the owner and explore its surroundings.
5. Create hiding places for your cat
Hiding in confined spaces is a natural feline instinct. By creating such spaces for your new cat, you could help it feel safe and better adjust to its new home. This can be done by providing small hiding locations for your cat that would keep them warm and comfortable in their new space. Just make sure they are easy to reach by yourself – you don’t want to spend hours looking for your cat when it’s time to visit the vet.
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