The best home security cameras you should get

Home security systems are necessary if we want to keep our homes safe. Cameras are a crucial part of the system for several reasons. Besides recording every movement during a robbery, it can also enable us to prevent them by detecting the intruder way before they enter our property. However, we have to choose carefully because not every system can give us this kind of protection. The latest models of outdoor security cameras are equipped to combine classic features such as recording and video storing with advanced smart home technology, which can even ID the robber. The best part is that can send an alert to your phone, provide a high-quality video day or night and withstand any weather conditions.
The market is full of all kinds of home security video devices so there is a lot to consider before purchasing. The most important decisions should be which features are crucial and how much are you willing to spend not only on devices but on monthly subscriptions as well.
The features that you should look out for, no matter what kind of device you need, are the kinds of notifications your mobile phone will receive, what type of power supply is needed, expected backup battery life, whether it’s a model with local or cloud storage, if it has a motion detector and night vision, its camera resolution, whether it can be integrated into the system, and can it be accessed from the web. Advanced features, such as environmental monitoring, facial recognition, scheduling or Wi-Fi security protocols support will probably raise the price, in most cases.
It sounds almost unbelievable, but one burglary occurs every 13 seconds. Even if we live in a safe neighbourhood, there is no way to be sure that our house or apartment is not being watched or marked by burglars.
Of course, the best option is to choose the most versatile kind of home security cameras. They can be both indoor and outdoor, and the user can pick which advanced feature to unlock. For example, some models offer person, animal, vehicle and package detection, activity zones customisation, an emergency calling service or one-month video hosting. A potential buyer should also consider using some of the individual manufacturer’s trial period offers and one or several years long complimentary deals. Most of these models are SmartHub-oriented and easy to install. It’s difficult to estimate how much this system will cost because it doesn’t only depend on the product you choose or how many cameras you want to install but also which features are unlocked.
If you choose to use outdoor only cameras, unfortunately, your job won’t be any easier. The model range goes from basic to extremely sophisticated security devices. The outdoor system will create the parameter, between three or more cameras with a set of features and give you an option to have another pair of eyes to check in case of suspicious activity. The on-duty agents who are monitoring the live feed will alarm you or people from your emergency list, warn an unauthorised person that they’re being observed or even alert the local police, if necessary. Prices for these systems can vary, depending on the quality, but generally it’s possible to find high-quality solutions for around $500 with a $40-50 for the monthly subscription. Although it’s far from cheap, you can relax knowing that someone else, besides you, is watching over your property. In most cases, you’ll be able to cancel social monitoring services or activate it again, according to your preferences.
In case you are completely sure that you don’t need other humans to help you then perhaps you should check outdoor spy cameras. These cameras are, technologically speaking, even more highly sophisticated system-based solutions. The set of cameras and sensors will enable you to follow the visitors as they go. The system will zoom in on a face, alarm you and offer to add a person to the list of visitors or mark them as unfamiliar. The audio sensors can recognise human conversation, barking and other sounds. These cameras are understandably more expensive than standard outdoor cameras, but if you like using technology and you’re confident that you can do it yourself, then this is the right choice for you.
For people who are not into the latest inventions, and are happy with simple yet effective solutions, outdoor lighting systems are a good option. Cameras are “armed” with LED lights, that you can adjust via its app. The motion detectors will turn on the light and pre-recorded audio message (available for some models) and the person will instinctively look at the camera. If you already have outdoor lights, then you can choose to simply add a camera with battery or solar charging and create your own outdoor lighting video solution at a much lower price.
If you’re wondering if it’s possible to find an indoor solution that will match your small budget, the answer is yes. The price range for these cameras is from $40 to $200 but you’ll receive plenty for your money. The cameras are usually equipped with ultra-wide lenses, night vision, motion detectors and other useful options. You can place it anywhere in your home, aim at an area and adjust the angle. To install and operate the device, you’ll have to download the mobile app that will enable you to take screenshots, video recordings, turn on or off camera and microphone and adjust other features.
Outdoor home security cameras on a budget are more expensive than indoor solutions, as they have to be more resilient to the weather conditions. However, it’s possible to find affordable, easy to install and use models for roughly $80 to $100 and with approximately $40 yearly subscription. Most of these models have a 130-degree view, decent resolution, zoom, built-in sirens and night vision.
Of course, each system has its pros and cons, but one thing remains the same. Cameras are the best way to keep an eye on your home, literally. Furthermore, if you have pets, then you should definitely start using them.
When it comes to protection, it might seem easy to purchase, but there are so many products on the market that learning about security systems is essential to know which one will suit your needs in the best possible way.
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