From wood flooring to new lights: Five home improvements that won’t break the bank

Home improvement is something that most homeowners think about at least once in the life of their property. Whether it’s a total rehaul of your place, or just modernising a few furnishings, it’s always nice to add a new touch every few years. Of course, we don’t always have the resources to carry out complicated renovations, so here are some effective improvement options that won’t break the bank.
While you might not have the wherewithal to hire a professional painter, it’s easier than ever nowadays to carry out your paint job on your own. There are countless online tutorials about how to make sure you get a smooth, even finish, and the range of colours and finishes available from any hardware shop can get you any effect you wish for. Whether you’re planning to paint the whole bathroom blood-red or just want to renew the white paint on your woodwork, you’re covered.
New flooring
Flooring is an integral part of your home decor and changing the floor can completely revolutionise the character of the entire place. There are a number of affordable options available but remember that properties with a solid wood floor are among the most sought-after properties on the market. With a range of flooring types available on sites such as Engineered Wood Flooring, you can completely revalue your home further down the line.
Creating a home garden
It may sound simple, but adding a few pot plants to your home can add a much-needed touch of style if you’re in need of home improvement. From easy flower pots to whole trees, the range of what can be grown in the home is continually being expanded. Even if you don’t have a garden, it’s possible to grow plants inside. Just make sure they have the right amount of light and that you follow the instructions on how much water and attention to give the plant. It can really pay off.
Changing the light fittings
Light fixtures, like flooring, can completely change the character of a home. Whether you want to add some extra light into the house, or just want to add some new lampshades, the style of your place can be greatly improved. While large-scale refitting of lights isn’t something that you can normally do yourself, it can often be arranged with an electrician at a reasonable price. Especially with older houses, the light fixtures are often inadequate. You’d be amazed at how much difference proper lighting makes in the home.
Many modern homes nowadays have no built-in shelving in order to maximise floor space. But if you want to add a touch of glamour to your home, consider building some shelves to display your photos, books or other collections. Shelves of your own decorations can add character to a property, and like painting, they’re easy to learn how to do yourself. All you need is some wood, paint and a can-do attitude.
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