What are women looking for in the perfect partner?

Every woman has her own ideal image of a man. Still, many women ascribe the same undeniable virtues to this ideal. For example, many women want their soulmate to be strong, reliable and at the same time gentle and kind. Naturally, most women want their life partner to be smart, intelligent and attentive.
Some Russian girls dating with video chat realised that the Internet can eliminate a lot of barriers in communication when it comes to dating, helping them to find men with a strong character. This is important considering that, for a life partner for women of all ages, a man shall have persistent character.
Prospective partners also need to act their age. Ladies in their thirties and above who have had more experience are likely to be especially careful in their choice. They may prefer a partner who will be dedicated to their family, friends and work. Young girls may more more likely to have preferences in appearance. However, in general, all women have different tastes so all men have their chance to find the perfect match.
While looks may be important in a short-term relationship, when looking for a future life partner physical traits are secondary. A long-term partner should be trustworthy and reliable: “a man is handsome not with his face, but with his soul”, say women with significant life experience.
Psychologists have found that even after a short conversation with a man, women are likely to remember a lot more details from the exchange. As well as engaging in the discussion, they often take note of things that are interesting to them such as appearance, clothing and manners.
According to one survey, 79 per cent of women said that when they first encounter a man, they look at his face with the hope of revealing strong character traits such as intelligence, determination, sense of humour and sensitivity. The next thing ladies pay great attention to is men’s hands; it’s believed that women subconsciously associate a sense of security with hands. A man’s posture is also on the priority list. 66 per cent of women would like their soulmate to have a posture that resembles an upside-down pyramid, with wide shoulders and narrow hips.
When women see the man that fits into their image of a perfect life partner, getting to know them becomes a priority. That’s why it is so important to cultivate personal traits that might make one stand out from the crowd.
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