Five ways cannabis seeds can be used as a medicine

Whether cannabis should be legalised or not has been a debate in a lot of first world countries for quite some time now. Whereas Canada has made it legal throughout the country, in the UK one can only get hold of it for medicinal purposes – it’s a similar situation in the US, though several states allow it for recreational use. The reason it’s a trending topic these days is that it has been said to provide medical benefits as well, which can be felt without having to smoke it. The substance can be consumed through several different methods, including oil and capsules. Seeds are also very popular when it comes to the medicinal use. Here are few simple ways seeds can be used as a medicine.
As a source of nutrition
Seeds are reported to be an excellent source of nutrition. The first step, as always, is speaking with your doctor. Seeds are derived from the plant, which is part of the cannabis family, and is nutritious. More than 30 per cent of it consists of healthy fats. Apart from that, it also has components like linoleic acid, omega 3 and other essential fatty acids. These components, especially linoleic acid, can be beneficial for the muscles as they promote cell growth and make people more active. These seeds also contain potassium, vitamin E, calcium, sulphur, zinc and magnesium. Those thinking of buying seeds can learn more by checking out i49 as well.
For healthy skin
It’s also claimed that seeds can do wonders for the skin. When the body is low on fatty acids, it can lead to dark patches on the skin and cracked heels. Fighting the deficiency is the best way to deal with those skin problems, and seeds contain a very high amount of fatty acids. Also, for those with dermatitis, it can potentially reduce the symptoms as well. The seeds can be consumed in many different ways.
For a healthy heart
Seeds are purportedly not just good for the skin, but internal organs as well. There are so many components present in a seed that are healthy for our hearts. Amino acid arginine is one of them, which regulates blood flow and makes sure that a person’s blood pressure stays normal. Another compound that can open the vessels and improve the blood flow is nitric oxide, which is found in abundance in seeds.
To fight depression and anxiety
Another suggested benefit of using these seeds is that they can help with mental health. People dealing with anxiety or depression can speak with doctors about using seeds to fight it. The seeds are claimed to have a soothing effect on the body which relaxes the muscles, and the potential to get rid of chronic pain. This helps people to relax mentally and think more clearly, strengthening them to fight depression. The seeds can also be sued by those going through insomnia or any other sleep disorder.
As a rich source of protein
Seeds are quite rich in protein, and they can be a potential alternative for vegetarians, who understand how hard it is to fulfil the recommended daily protein intake. These seeds are a popular source of plant-based protein, and adding it to one’s diet can help a person to hit the daily mark. Only two to three tablespoons of seeds can provide up to 12 grams of protein.
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